•Read this text taken from an article on customers’ complaints. •Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of

admin2010-01-28  36

问题 •Read this text taken from an article on customers’ complaints.
•Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.
•For each gap 9-14, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.
•Do not use any letter more than once.
                         How to Handle Customers’ Complaints
      ... Complainers can damage a company faster than you can say "I’m sorry." But the companies with savvy are turning them into loyal buyers. Fred Jerome survived a frequent flyer’s nightmare. Boarding at 9:30 Pan Am shuttle in New York one morning, he expected to arrive in Boston in plenty of time for an afternoon of business meetings. However Logan Airport was blanketed in fog and the pi- lot circled for two hours before landing in Hartford Connecticut, to refuel. "No one may leave the plane" the pilot announced, frustrating passengers who wished to switch to a rental car or use a telephone. When he then said he was returning to La Guardia Airport some passengers protested in fury. He relented and finally landed in Boston about 4pm. Jerome caught a flight home and arrived in New York at 6.30. His day was ruined and he was exhausted and angry.
    What should the company do for angry customers? to those who have tackled the issue almost anything it can.  (9)  Simply listening to complaints boosts brand loyalty that is, a customer’s tendency to buy again. "The key is getting customers to complain to the company rather than just to their friends", says John Goodman president of a consulting firm that has been studying corporate complainers for over a decade.  (10)  The average return for makers of consumer durables like washing machines and refrigerators is 100%. In other words, if manufacturers spend $1 million on handling complaints, they get $2 million in benefits. For banks it is as much as 170%. The payoff can be even higher in retailing where top quality service is essential for keeping customers. Maryanne Rasmussen, vice president in charge of world-wide quality at American Express says, "The formula I use is’ Better com- plaint handling equals higher customer satisfaction equals higher brand loyalty equals higher profitability."
        The growing evidence that customer happiness affects the Profits and Loss report is one reason that firms like Coca-Cola and British Airways have invested billions of dollars to improve complaint handling.  (11)  
     Pan Am’s response to Fred Jerome was a case study of how not to handle complaints, At the end of Jerome’s 9 hour ordeal, a Pan Am steward advised him to complain to the customer service unit at the airline’s New York Headquarters. Jerome went to the headquarters only to be told that Pan Am’s LaGuardia Airport office handles complaints about the shuttle service.  (12)   He finally reached a representative who told him coldly, We are not responsible for delays caused by the weather.
Jerome expressed his frustration by writing a column for the New York Times.  (13)  John Siefert, a vice. president of the Eastern Air Lines shuttle, sent Jerome a sympathetic letter of. fering him a free flight. Jerome declined. I would have been happy with an apology from Pan Am he says. Pan Am Says it wrote to Jerome. He says he still has not heard from the airline and now will fly the Pan Am shuttle only as a last resort.
      (14)  80% of complaints are from travelers who are dissatisfied with the airlines’ responses to problems. Interestingly the three airlines including Pan Am, and Eastern which lest the most money last year also attract the most consumer complaints. Far fewer complaints come from fliers on the healthiest US airlines. Dan Smith director of consumer affairs at the International Airline Passengers Association in Dallas, says these carriers satisfy unhappy clients by always giving a full explanation if they can’ t comply with a request for action.
A What should the company do for angry customers?
B Studies show customers tell twice as many people about bad experience as good ones, so complainers who are left unhappy can ruin a company’s image.
C Customers seem to appreciate companies more if top managers hear their complaints.
D some 20 letters and calls from other annoyed air travelers.
E The person he tried to contact at the airport was not there, and omitted to reply to a message Jerome left.
F The firm used dozens of business factors to calculate the return on investment involved in a company establishing service units that handle complaints and inquiries.
G  In the airline industry, the correlation between customer contentment and profitability is strong.
H Programs include intensive staff training, liberal refund policies and ways of helping customers make complaints to the company like free phone calls.



