Even discussions of architectural esthetics have taken a strange turn. The Bloomberg Tower is now finished, dominating the skyli

admin2014-08-05  102

问题 Even discussions of architectural esthetics have taken a strange turn. The Bloomberg Tower is now finished, dominating the skyline in one area of midtown Manhattan; love it or hate it, it’ s quite a building. "I just wish it wasn’ t so tall" , someone lamented at dinner.
The citizens of New York, who live in the spiritual home of the skyscraper, now fear the office tower and the high-rise. In San Francisco they build structures that are earth-quakeproof. But there’ s no structural steel, no reinforced foundation, that can ward off fear.
It’ s been nearly five years since all area in the southernmost part of Manhattan was renamed Ground Zero. On September 11 , 2001 , New York became a city of survivors: That’ s on a sliding scale, of course: it would be all insult to claim otherwise.


答案 甚至关于建筑美学的讨论都发生了奇怪的转变。布隆伯格塔现在已经竣工,遮住了曼哈顿中心城区一个地区的天际线。不管人们喜不喜欢,这都是一个很棒的建筑。“我只是希望它不这么高”,有人在餐桌上遗憾地表示。 生活在满是摩天大楼的精神家园里的纽约公民们,现在很害怕这种办公塔楼和高层建筑。在旧金山,人们建造了防震的建筑。不过,没有哪种建筑钢材和加固的地基能够让人们不再恐惧。 自从曼哈顿的最南端被重新命名为“归零地带”以来,差不多五年时光已经过去了。在2001年9月11日,纽约成为了幸存者的城市,当然,这是按照比例计算的。其他的说法都只会是一种侮辱。

