请认真阅读下列材料,并按要求作答。 问题: 依据拟定的教学目标,设计本课时的导入和新授环节的教学活动并说明设计理由。

admin2021-10-25  23

问题 请认真阅读下列材料,并按要求作答。



答案【参考设计】 Lead-in: Play the song“Old MacDonald”,then ask students to have a free talk about the animals they love and give the reason. 【设计理由】歌曲导入有利于提高学生对本节课的学习兴趣,调动学生参与课堂的积极性,同时引入本节课话题,为新课学习做准备。 Presentation: ①Words study Make a simple drawing to illustrate the animal“pig”and get students to guess the animal.Write the word on the blackboard.Read it and let students repeat. Show some other pictures about bear,cat,duck,dog and let students guess the animals.Write the words on the blackboard and stress the spelling and the pronunciation.Ask students to read the words one by one. ②Sentences study Play a vivid video about“pig,bear,cat,duck and dog”and ask students to describe them by using the sentence patterns like:It’s a+n.,Look at the+n.,It’s+adj.,It’s on/in the+n. For example: S:It’s a dog.It is big.It’s on the log.(If students use other suitable nouns.Praise them for their good ideas.and instruct them to consider the animals.other features) Summarize the features of the sentences.List them on the blackboard and ask students to read after the tape recorder. 【设计理由】在呈现环节多次制造信息沟,并用图画、多媒体等直观地教授单词和句型,能够帮助学生建立单词与具体事物之间的联系,加强学生的记忆。

