轿子(sedan chair)是中国古代很重要的交通工具,主要由人来肩扛手抬。汉代的权贵(bigwig)们坐在由人像背包那样背着的轻便竹椅中行进。在北魏和南北朝时期,山水卷轴中出现了绑在竹竿上的木制轿子。轿子在种类上有官轿、民轿和喜轿等。轿子最重要的用途可

admin2014-04-25  45

问题 轿子(sedan chair)是中国古代很重要的交通工具,主要由人来肩扛手抬。汉代的权贵(bigwig)们坐在由人像背包那样背着的轻便竹椅中行进。在北魏和南北朝时期,山水卷轴中出现了绑在竹竿上的木制轿子。轿子在种类上有官轿、民轿和喜轿等。轿子最重要的用途可能就是用作喜轿了。传统的中国婚礼上,新娘子被雇来的人用轿子抬到婚礼现场。喜轿装饰华丽、喜庆(jubilant),通常这些轿子还装饰有一个由红色丝绸制成的帘子,用来防止新娘子的闺容被旁观者看见。


答案The sedan chair can be regarded as a crucial vehicle of ancient China. It mainly has the virtue of lifting with shoulders and hands. In Han Dynasty, the bigwigs travelled in light bamboo seats supported on a carrier’s back like a backpack. In the Northern Wei Dynasty and the North and South Song dynasties, wooden carriages on bamboo poles appeared in painted landscape scrolls. As for its kind, the sedan chair can be classified into three types: sedan chair for officials, the civilian and weddings. The chair with perhaps the greatest importance was the bridal chair. A traditional bride is carried to her wedding ceremony by a “shoulder carriage”, usually hired. These were richly ornamented and jubilant, and were equipped with red silk curtains to screen the bride from onlookers.

