Considerations of Learning-centered Teaching I. Introduction A. goal of most courses: to enhance students’ understanding —differ

admin2014-12-11  32

问题             Considerations of Learning-centered Teaching I. Introduction
A. goal of most courses: to enhance students’ understanding
—different understanding calls for different teaching methods
B. most forms of understanding are expressed by new 【B1】 . 【B1】______
—example: "weight" for "heaviness"
C. other kinds of learning besides understanding
1. the key learning activity: 【B2】 【B2】______
2. memorizing and recalling 【B3】 【B3】______
3. acquiring attitudes and values, etc.
—different learning calls for different teaching methods.
II. Ways of categorization and modeling students
A. holists: students who 【B4】 as a whole 【B4】______
B. serialists: students who begin 【B5】 【B5】______
C. visualisers: students who depend on visual materials
D. verbalisers: students who prefer to listen, read, discuss, etc.
E. 【B6】 : students who believe that to practice is to understand 【B6】______
III. Students’ approaches to learning
A. 【B7】 : intending to further understanding and question ideas 【B7】______
B. 【B8】 : intending to memorize information and obey 【B8】______
IV. Course evaluation through feedback
A. feedback reveals about the learners and the 【B9】 . 【B9】______
B. feedback can be quite 【B10】 unless properly analyzed. 【B10】______
Considerations of Learing-centered Teaching
    Good morning, everyone. In today’s lecture, we shall discuss some considerations of learning-centered teaching.
    First of all, I’d say, most courses of today try to help students develop their understanding. But understanding a foreign language is not the same as understanding why someone is upset, or understanding electromagnetism or understanding history. Therefore, it is not to be expected that the same teaching methods will be appropriate to these different kinds of understanding.
    The next point I’d like to make is that, [1] most forms of understanding are expressed by concepts which differ from everyday ones. For example, we all know that suitcases get heavier the longer you carry them, but in science this is described in terms of "constant weight plus increasing fatigue". The concept "weight" is introduced and laid alongside the commonsense concept of "heaviness". Similarly we all know that time passes quickly when we are absorbed and slowly when we are bored, but science tells us that this is an illusion; time really ticks away at a steady rate. Note that conceptual change should not be the aim, as is sometimes suggested, since people still also need their common sense. The aim is to add new sets of concepts and to explain when to use which set.
    Thirdly, "understanding" is not the only kind of learning which students need to master. [2] Instruction, demonstration and error-correction are the key teaching activities while practice is the main learning activity. [3] Students also have to memorize information and be able to recall it when required, as well as acquire several other kinds of learning (such as know-how and attitudes and values) each of which calls for different teaching methods. So learning-centered teaching includes a conscious matching of teaching methods to the intended kind of learning.
    While good teaching involves, among other things, helping students to achieve their chosen learning goals, the picture is further complicated by the different learning styles adopted by different groups of students. And the following are ways of categorization and modeling students, which are proved to be useful, particularly in connection with understanding.
    Firstly, I’d like to call some students [4] "holists"; which means they like to take an overview of a subject first and then fill in the details and concepts in their own way. Secondly, there are [5] "serialists" who like to follow a logical progression of a subject, beginning at the beginning. Educational researcher Gordon Pask structured some teaching materials in both a holist and a serialist manner, and then tested previously-scorted cohorts of students using them. He found that the best performance of those who were mismatched (that is holist students with serialist material, and vice versa) was worse than the worst performance of those who were matched to the learning materials.
    This seems to imply, for example, that educational textbooks — which are naturally serialist in character — should include signposts, summaries, alternative explanations of difficult concepts, explanatory figure captions, a glossary of terms, a good index, etc. to help holist students find their own way through them. Similarly projects, which are naturally holist in character, since they are usually specified in terms of a final goal, can cause problems for serialists, who may therefore need step-by-step guidance.
    The third group of students are "visualisers" whose learning is helped by the inclusion of diagrams, pictures, flow-charts, films, etc., while the fourth group are "verbalisers" who prefer to listen, read, discuss, argue, attend tutorials and write during their conceptual development. [6] Finally, the fifth group are "doers" who find that overt practical activity is best. The saying that "to hear is to forget, to see is to remember, but to do is to understand" is only true for "doers". With a typical mix of students, attempts should be made to cater for each preferred style.
    My third main point is about students’ approaches to learning. It is well known nowadays that for the development of "understanding" and for the memorization of information, it is important that students adopt a "deep approach" to their learning, rather than a "surface approach". [7] The "deep approach" refers to an intention to develop their understanding and to challenge ideas, f 8] while the "surface approach" is the intention to memorize information and to follow instructions. Although students are naturally inclined towards one approach rather than the other — often with a new subject the inclination is towards the surface approach — this can vary from subject to subject and can usually be changed by the teaching they receive. Overloading, for example, will encourage the surface approach; stimulating interest may encourage the deep approach. Given the deep approach, even good lectures can make a considerable contribution to students’ "understanding".
    Recently, the need to encourage the deep approach in students has been allowed to dominate the choice of teaching method, sometimes at the expense of effective teaching. Constructivism in science teaching, for example, in which students are encouraged to devise their own explanations of phenomena, certainly tends to encourage the deep approach, but it can also leave students with misconceptions. Similarly, tough problem-based learning is usually popular with students, it teaches "know-how" rather than "understanding": unless explicit conceptual guidance is also given.
    The last point I want you to pay attention to is course evaluation through feedback. It often seems to be assumed that students are a homogeneous bunch and that therefore a majority opinion condemning a certain aspect of a course justifies changing it for the future. But this can well be a mistake. If a course is well matched, say, to "holist verbalisers", it is unlikely to be found very helpful to "serialist visualisers". In other words, [9] feedback is likely to reveal as much about the students as about the course or lecturer, [10] and can be quite misleading unless it is properly analyzed in terms of the preferred learning styles of the particular cohort of students.
    [10] Indeed, student feedback about the teaching of "understanding" can, in any case, be quite misleading, since students cannot be expected to judge what has been helpful to them until much of the necessary conceptual development has occurred. Only after "the penny has dropped" is such feedback likely to be reliable. Similarly, favorable feedback about the necessary but tedious practising of important "skills" cannot normally be expected.
    Ok, in today’s lecture, we looked at some considerations of learning-centered teaching, with which all lecturers should, in due course, become familiar. And I believe innovation in education without taking these matters into consideration is at best cavalier, at worst irresponsible, for it is the students who suffer from teachers’ ill-founded experiments.



解析 这篇讲座主要谈到了“以学习为中心的教学”的一些注意事项。演讲者通过解释understanding引入话题。首先谈到大多数课程的目标就是帮助学生提高对该学科的understanding:接着演讲者谈到多数的understanding是通过concepts来表达的,这些concepts不同于日常生活中的concepts,并在后面举了具体的例子进行说明。所以本题应填入concept。
