
admin2021-08-19  21

问题     我们应该坚持以开放求发展,深化交流合作,坚持“拉手”而不是“松手”,坚持“拆墙”而不是“筑墙”,坚决反对保护主义、单边主义,不断削减贸易壁垒,推动全球价值链、供应链更加完善,共同培育市场需求。世界经济发展面临的难题,没有哪一个国家能独自解决。各国应该坚持人类优先的理念,而不应把一己之利凌驾于人类利益之上。


答案 We need to promote development through opening-up and deepen exchanges and cooperation among us. We need to "join hands" with each other instead of "letting go" of each other’s hands. We need to "tear down walls", not to "erect walls". We need to stand firm against protectionism and unilateralism. We need to continually bring down trade barriers, optimize global value and supply chains, and jointly foster market demand. Of the problems confronting the world economy, none can be resolved by a single country alone. We must all put the common good of humanity first rather than place one’s own interest above the common interest of all. The Chinese civilization has always valued peace under heaven and harmony among nations. We must have a more open mindset and take more open steps, and work together to make the pie of the global market even bigger. We need to strengthen the mechanisms for sharing benefits globally, and explore new ways of international cooperation. The goal is to give more impetus to economic globalization and remove impediments as much as we could. As global value and supply chains continue to develop, countries are inter-connected with each other, and integration of their economies is the order of the day.

解析     这句话介绍了“我们应该”做的许多举措,中文按照并列逻辑将其置于一句话中,读来简洁明快,但是翻译为英文时,若是同样以列举动词短语的形式表述,则主次不明,因此翻译时按照语意层次将其拆分,皆以We need to作为开端,构成排比句,语言简练,节奏鲜明。
    “要以更加开放的心态和举措”中分别根据其后的宾语“心态”和“举措”使用了同的两个动词have和take,搭配更地道;英语中常用make the pie bigger来表示“做大市场”之意,其中将市场比作了可以切分的“蛋糕”,中文的“市场的蛋糕”恰恰来源于英文中的这一俗语,因此翻译时保留喻体。“共同把经济全球化……越好”这部分是共同努力之后的宏观目标,因此翻译时添加The goal is to;而在处理“动力”和“阻力”时,使用impetus和impediments,两词不仅在意义上对应原文,且在读音上压头韵;选择动词时,使用give和remove,读音上再次押韵,实现了语音层面与原文的对应。
    “全球价值链、供应链深人发展”这部分是当今世界“你中有我……大势所趋”的原因,因此翻译时需要添加适当的连接词显化逻辑;“你中有我,我中有你”表示“相互之间有着错综复杂、密不可分的关系”,使用inter。connected一词即可表示;“大势所趋”使用俚语the order of the day,既表示“流行趋势”,同时也包含“当务之急”之意,对“各国经济融合”这一内容起到了强调作用。
