Colleges and universities should require their students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country. Write a re

admin2022-10-09  45

问题 Colleges and universities should require their students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country.
Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.


答案 With countries becoming increasingly interconnected thanks to globalization, there are ample opportunities for college students to spend some time in a foreign country. Some people even claim that students should be required to spend at least one semester abroad, which I cannot fully agree. While it is true that studying abroad may be beneficial to students, but it is not advisable to demand all students spend time abroad on two levels. First, from an individual perspective, 1 agree that spending time in studying abroad could be advantageous to their academic endeavors if the destination institution has a reputable program. For example, the United States is renowned for its advanced biological and medical research lab, so for a biomedical student from a developing nation, studying in the United States would be beneficial. Similarly, students majoring in fine arts would reap benefits from spending time in Paris, a destination that nearly every artist in history admires. The artistic capital of Europe, numerous museums in Paris would boost the students’ taste in art appraisal and knowledge in art history. Moreover, this very experience of living abroad could also help students in the future, because the exposure to a foreign culture could broaden the horizon of the students and a diploma from a foreign prestigious institution could enhance the students’ competitiveness. To sum up, under some specific circumstances students could significantly benefit from an oversea learning experience. However, the lines of reasoning above hinge on an important assumption: academic institutions abroad must be well-regarded. In reality, this assumption may not always hold true. A Chinese student majoring in traditional Chinese literature could hardly benefit much from spending time in Europe; a Japanese seismology student has already received world-class earthquake-related education; and a Hawaiian oceanographer could enjoy easy access to the ocean and a vast number of academic resources within the State of Hawaii. At the same time, it should be kept in mind that spending time abroad also bears a cost. If the continuity of the curriculum at the student’s home institution is broken by the semester away, he or she would have to spend extra time in resuming the study. The system of medical education for example in many countries has substantial difference and countries may not approve or accept the education received in a foreign country. Imagine an American medical student spending a semester studying in China, where the classes he or she takes would not be acknowledged back home. After returning, the student would still have to pick up where he or she left, and the experience in China did little help to his medical education at home. All in all, from a personal point of view there needs to be considerable advantages of studying abroad to justify this investment of time. Next, speaking on behalf of the educational institutions, it is beneficial to send students abroad in theory. Exchange students can be seen as an academic and cultural ambassador, who can better bridge the not only schools abroad and at home but also the two countries. For example, in late 1800s students selected by the Chinese governments to study in the United States learned western knowledge, and in turn presented ancient Chinese culture to the American people, strengthening the ties and understanding between the two great nations. Yet, the recommendation to require students studying in foreign colleges and universities for at least a semester could backfire despite its theoretical advantages if it is not executed properly. For instance, living abroad, especially in a developed country, will incur significant costs to the students, whose family may not be able to afford. In this case, asking every student to study abroad could lead to a conflict between the schools and the students. To summarize, it should be acknowledged that spending some time abroad is certainly beneficial for the students as well as the educational institutions, but this policy is not necessarily applicable to everyone. For those who would not benefit much from a foreign experience and those who have financial hardship associated with living abroad, spending abroad should not be a mandatory requirement for them. (682 words)

解析     这篇题目更像是一道托福口语题或者大作文。这篇文章第一主旨段的精彩之处就在于,它既说了人人爱听的漂亮话,而且还指出了出国留学的具体好处,即如果出国留学的地方比学生所在国家的教育更加发达,那么从追求更高水平教育的目的出发,出国留学是有好处的。另外这一段还有简略的一句“拥有国外的文凭更适合我们未来找工作”,这其实是可以进一步展开的,但在文中限于篇幅只能一笔带过。其实我们可以拿自身做一个思想实验,思考这样一个问题:我们为什么要出国留学?如果我们的回答仅仅是扩展视野,那它不能解释为什么去西方发达国家的人要显著多于去落后的发展中国家的人,也不能解释为什么大家都渴望去名校。我想大部分在阅读这本书的同学未来有出国留学的梦想,希望你在阅读这篇范文的过程中也能够自己想一想为什么要出国。你想从出国这件事情中获得什么?你准备好应对出国的挑战了吗?想清楚了之后,如果是确定要出国深造,那么就要有破釜沉舟的气魄,坚定不移地向前进。
