The number of people living in unhappy relationships has more than doubled in five years, to over 1 million, according to resear

admin2019-08-08  7

问题    The number of people living in unhappy relationships has more than doubled in five years, to over 1 million, according to research by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). 【F1】Since these couples are becoming less happy as the economy improves, this has been taken by some as proof that it is a financial recovery, rather than a recession, that chips away at marital bliss.
   There is a feeling of a social marriage collapsing after too long spent trying to live peaceably on not quite enough. 【F2】The dirtiest and bitterest divorce is happening in the Labour party, as both sides fling ever more savage accusations at each other, in a bid for custody over the infrastructure.
   Politics in its broadest sense, the strings that constitute the fabric, is unravelling. 【F3】The genius of the austerity narrative for two or three years after the crash was that it sounded quite fun, a Blitz-style project that would both unite us and remind us of what was really important. Yoked to the donkey that was "big society", it was supposed to be exciting to cut social security as well as the shared resources of the state. It would give us the space to show how much we really cared for one another. Community spirit, in this frame, had been crowded out pre-2007 by too much generosity from the centre.
   【F4】It was always nonsense, as many of us politely noted from the start, and should never have been called austerity but rather a redistribution from the poor to the rich. As the years of belt-tightening have made life less liveable, the social landscape has come to duplicate an unhappy marriage: what were previously points of difference—were you more or less concerned with sovereignty, more or less happy about immigration, more or less international in outlook?—have hardened into positions that are completely incompatible.
   【F5】The rules of warmth that you need to resolve conflict—assume goodwill, say things earlier rather than later—have been replaced by each side imputing terrible motives or wilful stupidity to the other. As a country we have painted ourselves into a corner where, in the best case scenario, only half of us will be deeply unhappy. The difference is that we can’t divorce. We can’t even have a trial separation. We need some kind of mediation to get through this: maybe a neutral outsider (Switzerland?).



解析 ①本句为多重复合句,全句基本时态为过去时,描述属于过去的“财政紧缩”政策;第一个that引导表语从句,说明The genius具体是什么;a Blitz-style project...是对上文中财政紧缩政策(the austerity narrative)的进一步说明,其中又嵌套了一个that引导的定语从句,而定语从句中还包含what引导的宾语从句。②genius有exceptional creative ability的释义,此含义较为生僻,此处可引申理解为“不凡之处”,在语篇中有厦讽之意。the austerity narrative在此指的是“财政紧缩政策”。
