So far as I know, no one has ever done a study of the unhappiness of academics. Who might be assigned to the job? Business-schoo

admin2010-01-18  35

问题     So far as I know, no one has ever done a study of the unhappiness of academics. Who might be assigned to the job? Business-school professors specializing in industrial psychology and employer/employee relations would botch it. Disaffected sociologists would blame it all on society and knock off for the rest of the semester. My own preference would be anthropologists, using methods long ago devised for investigating a culture from the outside in. The closest thing we have to these ideal anthropologists have been novelists writing academic novels, and their lucubrations, while not as precise as one would like on the reasons for the unhappiness of academics, do show a strong and continuing propensity on the part of academics intrepidly to make the worst of what ought to be a perfectly delightful situation.


答案 就我所知,没有人进行过大学教师的痛苦指数调查。可能指派谁去做这项工作呢?擅长行业心理学和劳资关系的商学院教授可能将结果搞得一团糟。心怀不满的社会学家会把责任都归咎于社会,而且可能在学期剩下的时间里撂挑子不干了。我更倾向于让人类学家采用很久以前旨在从外到内考察一种文化时使用的方法进行研究,我们现有的最接近人类学家这个理想人选就是描写学界生态的小说家了。虽然他们对学界痛苦的根源的解释也许不像人们想象的那么准确,但是这些思考和探索确实表明了大学教授们把本来绝对开心的情形弄得一团糟的顽固习性。

