It is the function of education, the function of all of the great institutions of learning in the United States, to provide cont

admin2014-02-15  28

问题     It is the function of education, the function of all of the great institutions of learning in the United States, to provide continuity for our national life—to transmit to youth the best of our culture that has been tested in the fire of history. It is equally the obligation of education to train the minds and the talents of our youth; to improve, through creative citizenship, our American institutions in accord with the requirements of the future.
    We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.
    It is in great universities like this that the ideas which can assure our national safety and make tomorrow’s history, are being forged and shaped. Civilization owes most to the men and women, known and unknown, whose free, inquiring minds and restless intellects could not be subdued by the power of tyranny.


答案 教育的作用,美国一切大学术机构的作用,是使我们国家的生命得以延续,是将我们经过历史烈火考验的最优秀文化传给青年一代。同样,教育有责任训练我们青年的心智和才能,通过具有创造精神的公民行动,来改进我们美国的学术机构,适应未来的要求。 我们不能总是为我们青年创建美好未来,但我们能够为未来造就我们的青年一代。 正是一些像这所学校一样伟大的学府,冶炼和塑造各种保证国家安全、创造明天历史的思想。文明的形成有赖于许多知名与不知名的男女公民,他们心胸开阔,勇于探索,孜孜不倦,决不屈服于专制力量。

解析 l、该文节选自F.D.罗斯福总统于1940年在宾夕法尼亚大学建校200周年纪念会上的演讲,语言流畅,选段句子结构比较复杂,长句较多。
2、第1段首句是it is…to…结构,两个to…内容比较多,故在翻译的时候,置于尾句,译作“…的功能是…”,作宾语。
3、破折号后面的内容可以帮助理解破折号之前的provide continuity for our nationallife,即“使我们国家的生命得以延续”,provide不宜直译成“提供”之类的字眼。
6、最后一句的翻译难点在对free,inquiring minds and restless intellects的理解。free这里相当于open,指人的心胸、头脑的开阔和无所拘束;inquiring“爱追根究底的;好奇的”:restless intellects字面意思是“忙个不停的智力”,译作“心胸开阔,勇于探索,孜孜不倦”这三个四字短语,不仅达意,且契合了本文的演讲风格。
