When a doctor determines your risk for heart disease, he or she might look at your weight and blood pressure. But soon, they may

admin2015-09-26  31

问题     When a doctor determines your risk for heart disease, he or she might look at your weight and blood pressure. But soon, they may also look at your neck. Independent of other factors, the width of your neck may play a role in determining your heart disease risk, according to researchers with the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute’s Framingham Heart Study, who presented their data Wednesday at a meeting of the American Heart Association in Orlando, Fla.
    "It’s very interesting that neck circumference was associated with(higher measures of)heart disease risk," said Dr. Vijay Nambi, a cardiologist at the Baylor College of Medicine, who was not involved with the research. He noted that if the results of the preliminary research hold up after further study, it could provide a novel approach in determining a patient’s risk. "We normally end up struggling with trying to find out what are the best measures of obesity and fat?" said Nambi.
    Since this is the first presentation of the data, Sarah Rosner Preis, a postdoctoral fellow in NHLBI and the study’s lead author, noted that the findings are preliminary. Her findings were that a wider neck was associated with riskier levels of other measurements for heart disease—such as higher systolic blood pressure and lower "good" HDL cholesterol—but not heart disease itself. Still, the connection could be an important one if the finding is borne out in future research. And if true, heart disease would join a list of other diseases linked to a thicker neck. "To our knowledge, there has been no study that has specifically examined the association between neck circumference and risk of heart disease," she said. "Prior studies have suggested that neck circumference may be associated with diabetes, insulin resistance and hypertension. "
    But even if a thicker neck turns out to be a sign of an at-risk heart, Nambi said, that might not mean that measuring your neck alone will ever be a conclusive test that lets a doctor determine heart disease risk. He noted that even now, there is some correlation between waist-to-hip ratio and obesity and heart disease, but cholesterol level and blood pressure remain the measurements of choice in determining heart risk. The reason is that there are numeric goals for cholesterol and blood pressure, but there is not as simple a numeric target for weight loss. Similarly, he noted, more research would be needed to determine how the circumference of the neck affects heart disease risk in order for the measurement to become useful in the clinic.
    Ultimately, said Nambi, research is needed to determine whether the neck fat causes heart disease or if it is just a sign of risks caused by something else. And ultimately, obsessing about your collar size may not be the key to a healthy heart. "When you lose weight from one source, you’re going to lose fat all over your body," he said. "Having a healthy lifestyle, several studies have shown that’s the best you can do to improve your(heart health)profile. "
Nambi can be described as______.

选项 A、creative and conceited
B、ambitious and outgoing
C、conservative and earnest
D、pessimistic and moody


解析 推理题。文章第二、四以及第五段大量直接或间接地引用了Nambi的话,可以从中推断出其性格特点。在这几段当中,Nambi反复提出假设和转折,以及强调需要更多、更深层次的研究来证明Preis的观点,即便如此,最后他还是对此观点持谨慎态度(obsessing about your collar size may notbe the key to a healthy heart),并告诫大家健康的生活方式才是根本,所以可知[C]“保守的和谨慎的”用来描述其性格特点较为恰当。[A]“有创造力的和自以为是的”和[B]“野心勃勃的和外向的”以及[D]“悲观的和情绪化的”都在文中找不到相应的依据,故均可排除。
