UN upgrades world economic prospects for 2010-2011,sees uneven global recovery. A new United Nations(UN)report published on

admin2013-11-20  32

问题  UN upgrades world economic prospects for 2010-2011,sees uneven global recovery.
    A new United Nations(UN)report published on Wednesday(November 24,2010)said that the world economy is poised to recover from last year’s crunch with up to three percent growth this year and 3.2 percent improvement by next year.while warning at the same time that only a solid recovery could recoup job losses and fill the production backlog created by the deep recession.
    The revised 2010 World Economic Situation and Prospects report said that a great majority of
the world’s economy had experienced positive growth in the latter part of 2009 and first part of
2010,largely supported by governments’fiscal stimulus packages and expansionary monetary policies.
  It also said that strong governments support from around the world has mostly stabilized global financial markets while noting at the same time that by mid—part of 2010,systemic risks in the word inimical system have been halted and risk premiums in most of credit market segments have
subsided to pre—crisis levels.
    However.the report made it clear that the economic recovery has been advancing at different
pace across the world as it cited that growth prospects in some developing nations may be encouraging but“economic activity is lackluster in developed economies and below potential elsewhere in the developing world”.
  The report is projecting too that unemployment rate would maintain its high ante incidence for a much longer period in most of the developed nations whiles workers in developing countries would be forced to take on vulnerable employment conditions as the number of the working poor should spike further.
    It stressed that thanks to the Greek fiscal crisis which has now advanced into a eurozone crisis issue,a dismal economic for the whole of Europe is already in the offing and leaving note at the same time that global economic recovery would likely be spearheaded by developing nations such as China and India.
    The report is upbeat though that the United States eccnomy,which is the world’s largest,would advance by 2.9 percent this year but would slow down a bit in 2011 expecting to grow only by 2.5 percent.It also cited that Japan appears to be still reeling from the oil crisis seen in the 1 970s as economy contracted by more than five percent in 2009 and expected to average a mere 1.3 percent over the next two years.
    The UN study wrapped up its report with projections of 4.7 percent and 5.3 percent growths in 2010 and 2011 respectively for Africa while in Latin America.GDP growths were projected to soar by four percent and 3.9 percent in respective same periods.as it noted that both continents’economics have seen contractions of more than two percent in 2009.


答案联合国(联合国)在星期三(2010年11月24号)发表了一个新的报告,凭借着今年3%的增长和明年提高到3.2%的增长,世界经济有望摆脱去年的紧缩。同时给予警告,只有一个坚实的复苏才可能补偿失业和填补深度衰退引起的积压生产。 修订后的2010世界经济形势和前景报告表示,在2009年的后半年和2010年的前半年,大多数的世界经济经历了正增长,这很大程度上归功于政府的财政刺激和扩张性货币政策的支持。 它还说,主要是来自世界各地的强有力的政府支持稳定了全球金融市场,同时也表明,到2010的中期,有害制度中国的系统性风险已停止而且大部分信用细分市场中的风险溢价已经消退到危机前的水平。 然而,该报告明确指出,经济复苏已经在在世界各地以不同的速度前进,就如它引用的,增长前景在一些发展中国家是令人欢欣鼓舞的,“但发达经济体和低于潜在水平的其他发展中国家,经济活动不尽如人意。” 该报告预测,在大多数发达国家,高水平的失业率也将维持一个更长的时间,然而发展中国家的工人将被迫接受脆弱的就业条件,有工作的穷人数量应该进一步飙升。 该报告强调,希腊财政危机现在已经进化成为欧元区危机问题,受希腊财政危机的影响,整个欧洲正在经历着一种惨淡的经济,同时也留下了一条信息:全球经济复苏可能会由发展中国家如中国和印度带头发展起来。 尽管如此,该报告还是乐观的。世界上最大的经济体,美国,今年会增长2.9%,到2011年会稍微放缓,预计仅增长2.5%。它还提到,日本似乎仍然受到1970年代石油危机的影响,2009年经济萎缩超过百分之五,预计在未来2年平均也只有1.3%。 联合国研究报告最后预测:在2010年和2011年,非洲和拉丁美洲将分别增长4.7%和5.3%。在同一时期,非洲和拉丁美洲的国内生产总值将分别增长4%和3.9%。该报告还指出,在2009年这两个大陆经济体的经济萎缩超过2%。

