
admin2011-04-26  36

问题 如今,计算机在社会上起着重要的作用。它们明显地改变了我们工作、学习和购物的方式。但是,尽管计算机产业正给我们带来以往梦想不到的好处,它也造成一些严重问题。譬如说,人们越来越担心电子通讯方面不道德的行为。盗版、窃取数据以及病毒破坏活动十分猖獗。这些行为应视作犯罪吗?我们怎样才能制止这些行为?人们的另一个忧虑与过分依赖计算机有关。计算机不像人们想像的那样可靠,因特网上的信息有可能是虚假的。更糟的是,过度依赖计算机也许会削弱我们进行挑剔思维的能力,还会在人们之间造成障碍。


答案Nowadays, computers play an important role in our society. They dramatically change the way we work, study, and shop. But while the computer industry is offering us benefits never dreamed of before, it also creates some serious problems. For example, there has been a growing concern over unethical behavior in electronic communication. Piracy, hacking, and virus sabotage are running wild. Should these behaviors be regarded as crimes? How can we stop these actions? Another concern is about overreliance on the computer. Computers are not as reliable as people think, information on the Internet may be false. Worse still, depending too much on computers may undercut our ability to think critically and set up barriers between people.

