A、The bus doesn’t come on time. B、He forgets to set the alarm clock. C、The alarm clock goes wrong. D、It rained heavily this morn

admin2018-02-08  27

M: Oh, Mrs. Jones. Can I take the test now? I just...
W: Excuse me? What do you mean? The test ended 10 minutes ago, and you weren’t there to take it. Sorry.
M: Oh, Mrs. Jones. Come on. That’s not fair.
W: What do you mean by that? Everyone else was there, taking the test. So, why weren’t you in class?
M: Uh, my bus didn’t come this morning on time. You know it rained heavily this morning. That’s why.
W: Um. Are you sure? [6]Your roommate, Sam, made it to class, and he said you were still in bed an hour ago.
M: Well... Sam might be right about that... Anyway, I really need to take the test, Mrs. Jones.
W: Wait. Don’t you realize that you just lied to me?
M: Well, listen. Mrs. Jones. Please listen to me. [7]My alarm didn’t go off this morning, so it’s not my fault I came late.
W: So, you’re blaming your alarm clock again? It’s still your responsibility to be here, regardless of the alarm clock. [7]By the way, wasn’t that your excuse the last two times you missed class?
M: But Mrs. Jones...
W: Listen. [8]You know the policy of our program. If you miss a test for an unexcused reason... and a lie is definitely unexcused, then you get a zero on the test. There are no exceptions. Do I make myself understood?
M: Mrs. Jones. Why don’t you want to help me? You never help me. I mean I really need to pass this class and get the credits.
W: No, no. no. Listen to yourself. You’re playing what we call the victim. You made some bad choices, and now you have to accept the consequences. Remember When you point your finger at someone else, like me in this case, three fingers are pointing back at you.
M: But Mrs. Jones. [9]I will lose my scholarship if I do poorly in the class; my parents will be really disappointed in me. I don’t want to let them down.
W: I’m really sorry, but that’s not my problem.
M: Oh, Mrs. Jones!
W: I’m sorry I can’t help you with that. Don’t try to shift the blame here.
M: Mrs. Jones, please...
W: Gentleman, you painted yourself into a corner. [10]You need to be accountable for your own actions instead of trying to weasel out of your responsibility. While you aren’t doing well in my class though, I must say I almost have to give you an A grade for trying to dodge the outcome of your bad choices.
M: Mrs. Jones, please... Mrs. Jones...
W: Listen. You are now learning one thing.
M: What?
W: My name.
M: Ah...
6.Why does the woman mention the man’s roommate?
7.What is the excuse the man often uses for missing class?
8.What is the policy in class according to the woman?
9.What will probably happen if the man fails the test?
10.What is the man’s major problem according to the woman?

选项 A、The bus doesn’t come on time.
B、He forgets to set the alarm clock.
C、The alarm clock goes wrong.
D、It rained heavily this morning.


解析 ①对话中,女士拆穿男士说谎之后,男士继续找借口,他说其实是因为今天早上闹钟没响,所以迟到了。但是女士不接受这个理由。她还补充说,他之前两次缺课也是以闹钟没响来当借口的。因此,C项“闹钟出故障了”与“闹钟不响”意思相同,为正确答案。②A和D项是男士这次迟到编的第一个理由:今早下大雨,公交车不能按时到站。B“他忘记设闹钟”没有在原文中提到。
