The reasons why most people have trouble sleeping are all of the following EXCEPT that they ______.

admin2015-09-30  26

问题 The reasons why most people have trouble sleeping are all of the following EXCEPT that they ______.
Interviewer(M)Dr. Joanne Getsy(W)
M: Another sleepless night... This morning on Today’s Health run-down America. With the hassles of life and other tough hours in the day, more and more people are getting by on less and less sleep. What can you do to get more effective rest? Joining us now is Dr. Joanne Getsy, medical director of the Drexel sleep center. Dr. Getsy, welcome!
W: Good morning!
M: Good to have you here. We talk about insomnious people who can’t seem to get to sleep. But there are also some people, including me, who just don’t sleep because we’re just too busy. I meant to go to bed at nine last night. It was 22:30 before I climbed into bed. So how do you separate the two?
W: Oh, I think most people who complain of trouble sleeping are really in your category.(1 - 1)There is just the 24-hour world, but we have too much to do, so there is just not enough time for sleep. And I think the important thing is that people don’t understand the importance of sleep. You know, we exercise and we eat right and we try to do what is right for us. But we forget that sleep is as important as all of those things.
M:(1 -2)It is not a luxury, but something about health. Many people don’t realize that, however. The National Institute of Health says 10 to 15% of the general population struggles with chronic insomnia. And some of those people do fall in the category that they can’t sleep, as much as they try.
W: That’s right! And when we see them at sleep specialists, we can usually determine from what they tell us, whether they really have insomnia and have trouble sleeping, from a true sleep disorder or whether they just can’t seem to find the time for sleep.
M: Alright. Primary insomnia, again, are people who can’t sleep enough because of the health condition. But they simply can’t get to sleep. You have got some advice for them, including "To stay asleep, you must stay awake. "
W: Yes! The important thing is to keep a schedule.(2)People who have trouble sleeping really need to keep the schedule where they schedule when their sleep is going to be. We must try to find the time when we’re going to be asleep and the time when we must stay awake.
M: Even in fact I’m not tired until 3 a. m. ?
W: Then you go to bed at 3 a. m.
M: Go to bed at 3 a. m. ? And then get up and go to work at 7 or 8 a. m. ?
W: Exactly! We make a schedule and that means there is no point in lying in bed awake for 2 hours. Your mind wants to see production.
M: You say "Set a bedtime" and "Don’t lie awake in bed".
W: Absolutely right!
M: And also "Persevere".
W: Well. It’s hard, you know.
M: So, this isn’t going to be an overnight change.
W: Trying to learn to sleep is a long process and it takes a lot of dedication you have to stick with it.
M: And so this is someone who’s going to really stick with the program. You tell them from the beginning that this is not going to be like a boot camp, isn’t it?
W: It isn’t like a boot camp. It’s a lot like quitting smoking or drinking whatever else. You have to really put the time in it. If people are ready, it would work, though not easy.
M: Let’s talk about something you call "sleep hygiene"—the tips you say anyone can use to improve their habits.(3- 1)No. 1, "Make sleep a priority".
W: Well, that’s hard. I mean we have so many responsibilities in the world. But if you find that your sleeplessness is disturbing the way you feel during the day, you have to make it a priority.
M: And then(3-2)"Make your bedroom comfortable". Are we talking about mattress and pillow or lightings?
W: Well, both! I mean all of the above that needs to be comfortable and cozy. You shouldn’t have your computer in your bedroom or be paying your bills while you are lying in bed. It ought to be comfortable and inviting.
M: We all know that caffeine will keep us awake. But you say(3 - 3)"Don’t have caffeine after lunch". Someone’s going to bed at nine or ten. I mean does it really stay with them that long?
W: Caffeine can stay with you up to 10 hours. And so you have to make sure you stop if it’s bothering you and if you have trouble sleeping. You shouldn’t have caffeine after lunchtime.
M: I’m reading the next tip:(3 - 4)" Don’t take a nap during the day. "
W: Well. I think naps are good. If they are people who have a crazy schedule and can’t get to sleep, and maybe tonight have something else that they have to do, a nap is good. It’s going to revive them.
M: Do you like a twenty-minute nap or two-hour nap? I mean is too much bad?
W:(4)Too much is too bad. You have to keep it less than 45 minutes. If not, you will end up getting deep sleep and wake up feeling worse instead of better.
M: Alright. Getsy, thank you for being here with us.
W: Nice to see you.

选项 A、are too busy working
B、aren’t aware of the importance of sleep
C、have some health problems
D、don’t think sleep can influence health


解析 本题考查重要细节。根据句(1—1)可知,人们生活中有太多事情要做,因此睡眠的时间就不够了。而睡眠时间不够都是由于人们对睡眠的重要性不理解造成的,故排除[A]和[B];根据句(1—2)可知,睡眠不是一件奢侈的事情,但它关系到人们的健康。然而大多数人都没有意识到这一点,故排除[D]。因此[C]为正确答案。
