征稿启事 《英语角》刊发后,受到广大英语读者的广泛关注和欢迎。为刊发更多、更好的优秀英文作品,我们特向社会各界征集稿件。欢迎大学生、广大英语学习者、外国留学生以及外国朋友们踊跃投稿。 内 容:一则简短的故事或者发生在你身边的趣事。 要 求

admin2009-06-28  34

问题                                                                  征稿启事
内    容:一则简短的故事或者发生在你身边的趣事。
要    求:文章字数不要超过500字。
来稿请寄:北海市新民大街10号  北海晚报  王平  收
邮    编:230034

Words for reference:
社会各界 all walks of life


答案Contributions Wanted English Corner has got much attention from many English readers since its publication. To provide it with more and better English writings, we would like to ask for contributions from readers all walks of life. College students, English learners; foreign students and foreign friends are all welcome. The writings can be: (i) A short story. (ii) Interesting things that happen around you. Remember your writing will not be over 500 words. Here is our address and e-mail: Wang Ping, Supplement Dept, Beihai Evening Post; 10 Xinmin Street, Beihai 230034 Monuica@public.cc.cngd.com

解析 启事常用套语:
1.... are welcome to send in their contributions in whatever form or style before the twenty-fifth instant.
2.Manuscripts, if not accepted for publication, will be returned to the sender within three months.
3.... welcomes letters from readers on all local, national and international subjects.
4.Contributions in all forms or styles are warmly welcome.
5.Our new address is as follows:
6.... are delighted to announce the birth of a son/girl,...
7.Both families have pleasure in announcing the marriage of... and...
8.The owner of the... may come to claim it, bringing his or her identity card.
9.... would like to meet mild-tempered, accomplished male with good character.
10.Seek affectionate female to be lifelong companion.
