The birth of a child is a time of hope. Its new life is a symbol of potential for growth. Its death is a denial of progress. Whe

admin2011-02-09  31

问题     The birth of a child is a time of hope. Its new life is a symbol of potential for growth. Its death is a denial of progress. When I was born in 1945, the child mortality rate in Korea was 152 per 1000 live births. That’s roughly the equivalent today of the death rates in Benin, or Mozambique, Swaziland, Cameroon, or Ethiopia. //
    Tremendous progress is possible. The mortality rate in my country has now dropped to just 5 children per 1,000. That’s one of the lowest rates in the world, lower than the rates in New Zealand, the United States, or the United Kingdom. //
    Our goals—part of the Millennium Development Goals—are to cut child deaths by two thirds by 2015 from 1990 rates, and maternal deaths by three quarters.
    Every minute 20 children under the age of five die. More than 70% of all child deaths are caused by preventable and treatable conditions, like malaria, measles, HIV or diarrhea. The greatest risk is in their first four weeks of life when babies die from conditions like low birth-weight, birth trauma, asphyxia, and severe infections like pneumonia, meningitis or tetanus. //
    This is Elizabeth. She lives in Ethiopia. Malaria is endemic, yet only 17% of children under five in this country sleep under mosquito nets. Elizabeth’s family can only afford one net, which she and her mother sleep under. Many of the local children have died from the disease. //
    Nine-month-old Lang lives in the Lao Democratic People’s Republic. Like 82% of children in her country, she sleeps under a bednet. The family has two nets, but the insecticide treatment wore them off a long time ago, and they are full of holes. Many people in their district fall ill from malaria, including Lang’s father, who is unable to work at times. // Simpler and effective protection measures, like treated bednets, make the difference. But only if every family uses one. Elizabeth and Lang’s mothers try to make their home as protected as possible for their children. It’s natural to see home as a safe place. Sadly it’s not. //
    Just last month WHO launched a report on domestic violence. One of the more shocking facts revealed by that report was the extent of violence against women during pregnancy. One quarter to one half of the women who reported this abuse, said that they had been deliberately kicked or punched in the abdomen. Unsurprisingly, women in violent relationships are significantly more likely to suffer miscarriages, or to undergo abortion. //
    The study also found that, in some settings, a significant proportion of women thought it was acceptable for a man to beat his wife under certain circumstances. Women in these violent households have more health problems than others, yet often feel unable to talk to anyone about their situation or seek help. This violence is also associated with low birth weight, and with higher infant and under-five mortality. //
    Every minute a woman is dying from complications in pregnancy and childbirth. Almost all of these deaths—99%—are taking place in low and middle income countries. Mothers and children from the poorest families in Sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia are the most likely to die. Malnutrition contributes strongly to these deaths, increasing the risk of dying from other causes. Lack of access to food is one reason for malnourishment, but poor feeding practices and infection also contribute. //
    ("Make Every Mother and Child Count—Tracking Progress in Child Survival" by LEE Jong-wook, former Director-general of WHO in London, United Kingdom, 13 December 2005)


答案 婴儿降生之日就是希望之时,其新生象征着发展的潜力,其死亡意味着对进步的否定。在我1945年出生时,韩国婴儿的死亡率为每1000名活产儿死亡152名。这一数字与今天的贝宁、莫桑比克、斯成士兰喀麦隆或埃塞俄比亚的死亡率大致相同。// 取得巨大进步的可能性是存在的。在韩国,婴儿死亡率目前已下降至每1000名活产儿里只有5名死亡。这是世界上最低的新生儿死亡率,比新西兰、美国和英国的还要低。 作为《千年发展目标》的一部分,我们的目标是到2015年,儿童死亡率在90年代基础上减少三分之二,产妇死亡率减少四分之三。// 每分钟就有20名不到5岁的儿童死亡。在所有死亡的儿童中,70%以上是由一些可预防和治疗的疾病造成,例如疟疾、麻疹、艾滋病毒或腹泻等。婴儿出生后的前4个周最易造成死亡,他们大都死于体重低、分娩时的创伤、窒息,以及由肺炎、脑膜炎或破伤风引起的严重感染。// 她名叫伊丽莎白,生活在埃塞俄比亚。这个国家疟疾流行,却只有17%不足5岁的儿童能够睡在蚊帐里。伊丽莎白的家里只买得起一顶蚊帐,供她和母亲使用。当地有许多儿童都死于疟疾。// 9个月的兰生活在老挝人民民主共和国,同该国82%的儿童一样,兰睡觉时也有一顶蚊帐。兰全家有两顶蚊帐,但很早前由于杀虫剂的腐蚀而到处都是窟窿。他们居住的地区有很多人得了疟疾,兰的父亲也不例外,以致时常不能工作。//其实类似蚊帐这样简单而有效的保护措施就能起到预防作用。假如每个家庭都能用上蚊帐该多好。伊丽莎白和兰的母亲尽力为她们的孩子提供家庭保护。家本应是安全的庇护之地,然而遗憾的是现实并非如此。// 就在上个月世界卫生组织发表了一份关于家庭暴力的报告,其中最令人震惊的事实之一是妇女在怀孕期间遭遇暴力袭击。差不多有四分之一或一半受此虐待的妇女说她们的腹部曾遭到故意踢打。当然受到暴力虐待的妇女更易造成自然流产或人工流产。// 这项研究还发现,有相当多的妇女认为男人毒打自己的妻子在某些情况下是可以接受的。处于这种暴力家庭中的妇女较其他人有更多的健康问题,然而她们通常认为不能向任何人述说她们的境遇或寻求帮助。这种暴力导致婴儿出生体重轻,并与婴儿及5岁以下儿童死亡率高有关。// 每分钟就有一名妇女死于怀孕和分娩并发症。几乎所有这些死亡——99%——发生在低收入和中等收入国家。撒哈拉南部非洲和南亚最贫困家庭的母亲和儿童最容易死亡。营养不良是造成这些死亡的重要原因,它也增加了死于其他原因的风险。缺乏食物是造成营养不良的一个原因,但是不良的喂养方法和感染也起着作用。// (选自前世界卫生组织总干事李钟郁2005年12月13日在英国伦敦的讲话“珍爱每一个母亲和儿童——跟踪儿童生存方面的进展”)

