The philosophy of the Cyrenaic school, founded by Aristippus, proceeds on the assumption that happiness is, in point of fact, th

admin2012-09-26  38

问题     The philosophy of the Cyrenaic school, founded by Aristippus, proceeds on the assumption that happiness is, in point of fact, the good, the supreme good, or chief end of man; and this assumption, so far from being discountenanced by the philosophy of Socrates, is involved in that philosophy as one of its most vital principles . Viewed as a matter of fact, we must admit that his own happiness, whatever it may consist in, or whatever may be the means to be employed in the attainment, is the end which each individual has most at heart, and at which he ultimately aims. This is the end after which all men most eagerly strive. Happiness is the goal, which, consciously or unconsciously, we are all struggling to reach. Milton has written two epic poems in which he commemorates our fallen and our restored condition. He has written Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained. But the true epic of humanity—the epic which is in a constant course of evolution from the beginning until the end of time, the epic which is daily poured forth from the heart of the whole human race, sometimes in rejoicing paeans, but oftener amid woeful lamentation, tears, and disappointed hopes—what is it but Paradise sought for?


答案 事实上,我们必须承认,不论幸福的本质特征是什么,或者获得幸福的手段如何,幸福是每个人心中最重视的目的,也是其最终追求的目标。它是所有人最渴望达到的目的。不论是否有意为之,幸福都是我们所有人努力去实现的目标。弥尔顿写了两部史诗,描述了我们从伊甸园堕落以及重返伊甸园的情景。这两部史诗就是《失乐园》和《复乐园》。但人类真正的史诗——从时间的开始到时间的结束一直处于发展过程的史诗,全人类日复一日发自内心的史诗,有时是欢乐的赞歌,但更多时候是悲伤、眼泪和失望——除了我们所追求的乐园还能是什么呢?

解析 1.第一句中的his指的是each individual。in the attainment后面省略了of the happiness,因此应译为“获得幸福”。
5.第五句中提到了弥尔顿的两部代表作:Paradise Lost(《失乐园》)和Paradise Regained(《复乐园》)。
