The years between 1870 and 1895 brought enormous changes to the theater in the United States as the resident company was undermi

admin2014-04-23  50

问题     The years between 1870 and 1895 brought enormous changes to the theater in the United States as the resident company was undermined by touring groups, as New York became the only major center of production, and as the long run superseded the repertory (准备表演的戏剧、节 目等) system. By 1870, the resident stock company was at the peak of its development in the United States. The 50 permanent companies of 1870, however, had dwindled to 20 by 1878, to 8 by 1880, to 4 by 1887, and had almost disappeared by 1900.
    While the causes of this change were numerous, probably the most important one was the rise of the "combination" company (that is, one that travels with star and full company). Sending out a complete production was merely a logical extension of touring by stars. By the 1840’s, many major actors were already taking along a small group of lesser players, for they could not be sure that local companies could supply adequate support in secondary roles.
    There is much disagreement about the origin of the combination company. Boucicault claims to have initiated it around 1860 when he sent out a troupe with Colleen Bawn, but a book published in 1859 speaks of combination companies has already established. Joseph Jefferson M also declared that he was a pioneer in the movement. In actuality, the practice probably began tentatively during the 1850’s, only to be interrupted by the Civil War. It mushroomed in the 1870’s, as the rapid expansion of the railway system made it increasingly feasible to transport full productions, in 1872, Lawrence Barrett took his company, but no scenery, on tour; in 1876, Rose Mi-chei was sent out with full company, scenery, and properties. By the season of 1876—1877 there were nearly 100 combination companies on the road, and by 1886 there were 282.
"It" (Line 5, Para. 3) refers to the________.

选项 A、Civil War
B、use of combination companies
C、westward movement of pioneers
D、rapid expansion of the railroad


解析 在英语文章中,两个或两个以上相衔接的句子,在不是非变不可的情况下,一般都使用同一个人或同一个事物作主语,这是写作的一条基本原则。据此可以断定“It”指代的是前句中另一个单数名词“the practice”,这里“the practice”和前面所说的建立混合剧团的运动(combination company)是一回事。所以选项B为正确答案。本题亦可以通过排除法找到答案。从句意上看,“It”不可能指代前句中的“the Civil War”。美国内战于1861年开始,到1865年结束,自然不会在1870’s迅速扩大(mushroom),所以选项A应立即排除;选项C的内容文中没有涉及,应排除;选项D说明的是“It mushroomed in the 1870’s”的原因,也应排除。
