中国人用筷子是特定文化的产物。中国是个农业大国,食物多以蔬菜为主,用筷子适宜取食。中国文化推崇集体主义(collectivism),崇尚融合,体现在吃饭的方式上就是使用筷子。中国人实行合餐制(communal meals),用餐的人在同一个盘中取食,用筷子

admin2015-11-30  44

问题     中国人用筷子是特定文化的产物。中国是个农业大国,食物多以蔬菜为主,用筷子适宜取食。中国文化推崇集体主义(collectivism),崇尚融合,体现在吃饭的方式上就是使用筷子。中国人实行合餐制(communal meals),用餐的人在同一个盘中取食,用筷子可以限制个别人大量取食。如此一来,既保留了集体主义的形态,又限制了个人主义的膨胀。


答案 The using of chopsticks is the result of the Chinese culture. China is an agricultural country which relies on vegetables for food. Chopsticks are very convenient tools for eating. Chinese culture is developed around collectivism which stresses harmony. In terms of eating customs, chopsticks are the unique expression of this culture. The Chinese like to have communal meals where everybody eats out of the same bowl of food. Chopsticks are used in order to discourage people from eating more than others. This is not only a good way to preserve collectiveness, but also to limit the swell of individualism.

解析 1.第二句含有三个小分句,每句的主语不是统一的,翻译成英语时我们可以采用拆译法翻成两句。
2.在翻译第三句中的“崇尚融合”时,我们将其处理为前一分句的定语从句which stressesharmony。
3.第三句的后半句“体现在吃饭的方式上就是使用筷子”在译文中被单独译为一句。“在……方式上”可以用in terms of来表示。
4.最后一句中“既……又……”可以用not only…but also结构进行翻译。本句中“个人主义的膨胀”可译为the swell of individualism。
