Read carefully the following excerpt on intelligent machine, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which yo

admin2017-07-01  26

问题     Read carefully the following excerpt on intelligent machine, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should:
    summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then
    comment on whether robots with emotions will better serve the needs of mankind.
    You should support yourself with information from the excerpt.
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
    How Happy Chatbots could Become Our New Best Friends
    How do we stop intelligent machines from taking over the world and enslaving us all? Give them emotions.
    That’s the radical suggestion of Patrick Levy Rosenthal, founder and chief executive of Emoshape, a tech firm that has developed a computer chip that can synthesize 12 human emotions.
    Mr. Rosenthal believes this nightmare scenario will be avoided if we create machines that can empathize. "We can teach them to feel happiness when they perform well, solve problems and receive positive feedback from humans," he says. "This will reduce the threat, because they will always work to achieve human happiness."
    Many tech optimists believe that multiple jobs involving menial or repetitive tasks will be automated. Machines can do a lot of what we do faster, more accurately, and at lower cost. And they don’t go off sick, strike, or ask for pay rises. It’s the latest development of the industrial revolution, and could be just as disruptive.


答案 Emotional Robots: Better Serve Mankind’s Needs A founder of a tech firm, which has developed a computer chip that incorporates 12 human emotions, suggests that giving robots emotions can help them devote themselves to achieving human happiness instead of being a threat to human existence, for these intelligent machines have, by their automation, taken the place of many humans to do jobs involving menial and repetitive tasks. For my part, I am all for the opinion that emotional robots could better serve mankind’s need. First of all, robots with emotions can be of help in meeting the needs of communication and connection of mankind. Instead of being a threat, an emotionally intelligent setting like Siri can help humans ease their loneliness, release their depressive emotions and learn to build connections. News has it that a young boy, who suffers a long-term depression, has learnt to communicate with others indebted to Siri. In addition, robots with emotions can be beneficial to the needs of placidity of humankind. People are more likely to bellow and destroy an emotionless ATM and eventually end up in jail than to yell at the agreeable and amiable robot as such working in a Bank. Therefore, an emotional robot is more helpful in placating the wrath of humankind than an emotionless one. In conclusion, I am in sympathy with the opinion that robots with emotions can better serve the needs of mankind.

解析     本题要求考生就“有感情的机器人是否能更好地满足人类需求”进行论证。首先应该总结概括材料中的内容,再给出自己的观点。文章结构可安排如下:
