
admin2014-09-17  40

问题     离我们不远站着的一位中年绅士也在眺望远景,他也是中国人,听我儿子讲得挺带劲,就非常自然地与儿子攀谈起来,饶有兴致地论及阿拉斯加在美国版图上所处位置的特殊性,因为该州与美国本土根本不搭界,它一边与俄罗斯的白令海峡相互对望,一边与加拿大毗邻,那地方原属沙俄领土,沙皇时代卖给美国。据说当时沙俄认为那是不毛之地,由爱斯基摩人居住,没有任何价值,美国肯出钱要它,何乐而不为呢!至于美国出于什么动机买下这块“冰天雪地”,那个答案似乎是尽人皆知,不足为奇的,但是那位绅士却特别强调,当时一些远见卓识的政治家,是因为阿拉斯加的地理位置具有战略意义的重要性而买下这块土地的。可是他们却不知道那里还有极大的经济价值,除了有人已经作过金矿的勘探外,地下还埋着丰富的、源源不断的石油宝藏,这怕是当初的卖主绝对预料不到的吧!


答案 A middle-aged gentleman standing not far away from us was also taking a view of the landscape. He, too, was a Chinese. Upon hearing my son’s lively description, he quite naturally started a talk with my son. In great zest, he talked about the peculiarity of the location of Alaska on U.S. territory, because that state was not in any way connected with the metropolitan territory of the U. S. , with one of its side directly opposite to Russia’s Bering Straits and the other adjacent to Canada. The land was sold to the U. S. during the time of the tsars. It was alleged that tsarist Russia at that time thought it was a barren land inhabited by the Eskimos without any value whatsoever, and with the U. S. willing to pay hard currency for it, what’s there against it! What then was U. S. motive in buying this wild territory which was "a world of ice and snow?" The answer seemed to be a platitude known to everybody, but that gentleman insisted that it was due to the foresight and sagacity of certain statesmen who, seeing the strategic significance of Alaska’s geographical location, had bought the land. Nevertheless, they hardly realized the great economic value that was there, for, excepting those who had made some gold ore prospectings, there was deeply buried under the ground a rich and continuous flow of petroleum reserves. That was far beyond the expectations of the then seller.

