
admin2015-11-27  40

问题     好的科普读物应该在知识的传递之外,贯穿这样几个重点。首先是做人。爱因斯坦说过“伟大的科学家的成就往往还不如其人格魅力对世界的贡献大”。科学家追求真理、探索未知都是非功利的,特别是搞基础科学的,可能一辈子默默无闻,他们凭的是信念。其次,恰恰是非功利的追求带给整个人类最大的功利。科学和知识从本质上讲是属于全人类服务全社会的,现在都讲知识产权和专利,其实真正的科学家并不重视这些,科学是一代代人积累的,你在前人的基础上有所进步,那是你一个人的成果吗?科学的价值不在于专利,它只有服务人类才能体现其价值。


答案Scientists never seek after the truth and the unknown in a utilitarian way. Those focusing on basic science, in particular, may not have any fame in their whole life, but do have their faith to rely on. Secondly, the ultimate benefit for human is derived from those pursuits not involved in utilitarianism. Science and knowledge in essence belong to all the men and serve the whole society. And those real scientists take no account of intellectual property rights and patents in the air. They consider that science is improved through generations and a little step forward is by no means owed to any single one of them. The value of science is embodied in serving human instead of being granted any patents.

解析 1.画线部分第一句比较长,可以断开译为两句。其中“追求”和“探索”两个词可以合译为seek after。而“非功利的”翻译为never…in a utilitarian,比较符合英语表达习惯。
2.画线部分第二句中,  “最大的功利”中的“功利”可以理解为“好处”,因此可译为theultimate benefit。
3.画线部分第三句在翻译时应该根据意群进行断句,可译为三个分句。第一个意群断在第一个逗号处,其中“服务全社会”可译为serve the whole society;第二个意群可以断在“其实真正的科学家不重视这些”之后,并且在英语句式中应当把这一分句提到前面,其中“知识产权和专利”可译为intellectual property rights and patents;第三个意群在翻译时可以把汉语的反问句转换为英语的否定句。
4.画线部分最后一句转换为被动句翻译更加符合英语表达习惯,其中“体现”一词可译为isembodied in。
