Nowadays, advertisements play an important role in the television industry and market-oriented economy. In order to better attra

admin2022-12-07  33

问题     Nowadays, advertisements play an important role in the television industry and market-oriented economy. In order to better attract consumers’ attention, commercials have become increasingly innovative and fancy. Some people, especially young consumers embrace the trend, while many parents and experts worry about the negative influence of commercials on young people’s values. Do you think TV commercials should be restricted? Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and then give your view on the issue.
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
    TV advertisements often contain many illusive descriptions. In order to convince the public to buy the products, exaggerated expressions are used in advertisements to attract people’s attention. What’s worse, sometimes advertisers even provide false information for consumers, leading them to believe that the products have the claimed effects which they actually do not possess.
    Many TV commercials may convey wrong messages or values to young people or kids. For example, the commercials of some luxury goods are often extremely beautiful and fascinating to watch, but too much exposure to this type of commercials may make people become indulged in the worship of material wealth.
    As an important part of the innovative industry, TV commercials aim to bring a sense of novelty to the audience and attract their interest. With the help of the advanced technology, modern commercials strive to be pioneering, distinctive, and appealing. All the ingenious ideas, beautiful scenes and vivid effects shown in various commercials can provide the audience with a fresh experience. Watching commercials is both amusing and relaxing for people.
    Although some TV commercials do contain improper messages, such as money worship, it is undeniable that most of them deliver positive messages to the audience, such as patriotism, familial affection, and the pursuit of a better life through one’s own efforts.


答案 TV Commercials Should Be Limited TV commercials are now an indispensable part of our life. When we watch our favorite TV programs, we are also accompanied by various TV commercials. Most people find advertisements annoying and misleading, full of flowery phrases and empty promises. But there are some people who find advertisements amusing and interesting. As far as I am concerned, TV commercials should be curbed. Firstly, advertisements often exaggerate reality and may contain false information. In order to attract the audience and stimulate them to buy a certain product, advertisers often boast about the effects of the product, and rely on pop stars or celebrities to convince consumers of the advertisements’ authenticity. For example, a TV commercial of a facial cream claims that a lady will turn ten years younger as soon as she uses the cream, which is obviously deceptive. What’s worse, advertisers often turn a blind eye to the public influence of their commercials. Many TV commercials encourage young people to pursue pure enjoyment and lead a luxurious life. If youngsters watch these advertisements all day long, they may be infused with all kinds of unrealistic ideas, which may gradually influence their outlooks on the world and on life and hinder their growth. Therefore, I strongly propose that TV commercials should be placed under strict restrictions in order to create a clean and positive environment for the audience and consumers.

解析     本题讨论的是是否应该限制电视广告。在具体行文方面,考生应该首先概述正反方的观点:当前电视广告带来了许多不良影响,但电视广告也有其优点。然后提出自己的观点,并给出理由。最后总结全文。
    开头部分第一段阐述背景并引入话题,随后通过“Most people find…But there are some people who find…”总结材料中正反两方的观点。正方认为电视广告烦人和误导人,存在虚假、夸张的内容。反方认为电视广告娱乐性和趣味性强。
    中间部分第二段通过“As far as I am concerned…”阐明自己的观点,即广告应该被限制。随后用 “Firstly…” 和 “What’s worse…”进行分点论述:首先,广告经常夸大事实,包含很多虚假信息,并举例说明有些广告商故意夸大产品的功效,请明星代言来吸引顾客;更糟糕的是,很多广告内容会影响年轻人的世界观和人生观,阻碍他们的成长。
