I am delighted that we are once again celebrating the achievements of our colleagues together. Our annual University Awards reco

admin2014-01-11  49

问题    I am delighted that we are once again celebrating the achievements of our colleagues together. Our annual University Awards recognize and honor the best in our community. Some have excelled in educating students. Some have scaled new heights in research while others have served the country with distinction. Each of our winners has scaled impressive heights. Your endeavors have helped raise the standing of our university. Your achievements have made a contribution to our country. We take pride in your achievements.
   Is there a formula to achieving excellence? Can excellence be measured by determining one’s achievements and contributions? In this age, we tend to measure things quantitatively. But how do we grade excellence?
   If there should be a formula, I would like to mention the two Ps and two Cs here. The two Ps refer to Perspiration and Perseverance. The two Cs are Curiosity and Courage. All these make up the quintessential qualities in our quest for excellence. Today I would like to focus on the quality of curiosity.
   Curiosity, or what Einstein called a child-like sense of wonder, makes us question things that others normally do not even notice. The great French novelist Anatole France, Nobel laureate in Literature, had this to say: "The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of your minds..." The teacher’s role is to draw our students’ curiosity, to inspire them, to make them see the world with fresh perspectives, and to lead them to ask different and interesting questions.
   Curiosity is also a powerful force that drives research. The researcher sustains his or her joy in knowledge and creative expression and follows a child-like curiosity, leading him to untrodden paths of discovery. As Einstein put it, "I am neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I am only very, very curious."
   Therefore, at the core of the best universities is an intellectual method that encourages questioning. The skepticism towards existing wisdom leads to new ways of thinking, and breakthroughs in knowledge. Deepening this spirit of enquiry is the most important challenge for our universities.


答案我很高兴我们能再一次共同庆祝各位同仁的成就。我们的年度大学奖表彰并嘉奖我们团体中的卓越者。他们有的在教学中成绩突出,有的在科研中再攀新高,有的为国家提供了优质服务,每一位获奖者都取得了可喜的成绩。你们的努力提高了我们学校的声望,你们的成绩是对国家的贡献,我们为你们的成就感到骄傲。 取得卓越成绩有公式吗?我们可以通过评定一个人的业绩和贡献测量他是否卓越吗?在今天这个时代,我们习惯于量化测量,可是我们如何给卓越评分呢? 如果有公式的话,我认为是两个P和两个C。两个P是指“汗水” (Perspiration)和“毅力”(Perseverance)。两个C是指“好奇心”(Curiosity)和“勇气”(Courage)。这些是追求卓越所必需的优异品质。今天我想集中谈一下好奇心这种品质。 好奇心,或者是被爱因斯坦称之为的孩子般的惊奇,驱使我们对别人通常不予注意的事情提出质疑。伟大的法国小说家诺贝尔文学奖获得者阿纳托尔这样说道:“教学的全部艺术就是唤醒头脑中天生好奇心的艺术……”。教师的作用在于吸引学生们的好奇心,激励并教育他们用新的视角认识世界,引导他们对与众不同的、引人入胜的问题提出质疑。 好奇心也是促进研究的强大动力。研究者保持了对知识和创造性表达的乐趣,沿袭了孩子般的好奇心,这些驱使他们踏上了无人走过的发现之路。正如爱因斯坦所说:“我既不特别聪明,也没有特别的天赋。我只是非常非常地好奇。” 因此,优秀大学的关键在于采用了鼓励学生质问的教育手段,对现有学识的质疑将开辟新的思维方法并带来知识的新发现,提升质问精神是当前大学所面临的最大挑战。

解析    本文是一篇关于教育的讲话,文章中两个“P”(“汗水”Perspiration 和“毅力” Perseverance)和两个“C”(“好奇心”Curiosity和“勇气”Courage)概括了取得卓越成绩的优异品质。讲话人主要谈论了“好奇心”这一品质的重要性。
   1.annual University Awards      年度大学奖
   2.child-like sense of wonder    孩子般的惊奇
   3.Nobel laureate in Literature  诺贝尔文学奖获得者
   4.art of teaching               教学艺术
   5.encourage questioning         鼓励质问
1.Can excellence be measured by determining one’s achievements and contributions?
原句句子结构分析如下:(情态动词)can+(主语)excellence+(谓语)be measured。原句是一个一般疑问句,谓语部分采用被动语态,翻译时,需要转换语态,将被动语态变为主动语态。
2.The great French novelist Anatole France,Nobel laureate in Literature,had this to say:“The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of your minds...”
原句句子主干分析如下:(主语)novelist+(同位语)Nobel laureate+(谓语) had+(宾语)this。翻译时,需要改变语序,将同位语提前至主语前面。
3.The teacher’s role is to draw our students’ curiosty,to inspire them, to make them see the world with fresh perspectives,and to lead them to ask different and interesting questions.
原句句子结构分析如下:1)  (主语)the teacher’s role+(谓语)is+(表语); 2)表语由四个(不定式)to draw,to inspire,to make,to lead构成;“with fresh perspectives”是第三个不定式中的方式状语,翻译时,需要改变语序,移至动词“see”前。
4.The researcher sustains his or her joy in knowledge and creative expression and follows a child-like curiosity,leading him to untrodden paths of discovery.
原句句子结构分析如下:1)  (主语)the researcher+(谓语1)sustains+(宾语 1)his or her joy+(谓语2)follows+(宾语2)curiosity;2)“in knowledge and creative expression”是宾语1的补足语,翻译时,需要提前至宾语前面,在译文中充当前置定语。
5.The skepticism towards existing wisdom leads to new ways of thinking,and breakthroughs in knowledge.
原文句子结构分析如下:(主语)skepticism+(谓语)leads to+(宾语1)new ways+ and+(宾语2)breakthroughs;“towards existing wisdom”是主语补足语,翻译时,应该提前,在译文中充当前置定语。
   1.scale impressive heights          取得可喜成绩
   2.measure things quantitatively     量化测量
   3.grade excellence                  给卓越评分
   4.awakening the natural curiosity   唤醒天生好奇心
   5.draw... curiosity                 吸引……注意力
   6.at the core of...                 关键
   7.intellectual method               教育手段
   8.new ways of thinking              新的思维方法
   9.breakthroughs in knowledge        知识的新发现
   10.spirit of enquiry                质问精神
