
admin2022-06-23  55

问题     中印作为战略合作伙伴,达成了许多战略共识,增强了战略互信。对历史遗留的边界问题,我们没有回避,一致同意继续推进边界问题谈判进程。双方共同认为,中印两个文明古国有足够的聪明智慧,找到彼此能够接受、公平合理的解决方案。在此之前,要完善处理边境事务的相关机制,提高工作效率,妥善管控分歧,共同维护边境地区的和平与安宁。这符合两国的共同利益。中方理解印方在跨境河流问题上的关切,一直从中印关系大局和人道主义精神出发,在汛期水文资料和应急事件处置方面向印方提供协助。


答案 As strategic partners, China and India have reached extensive strategic consensus and increased strategic trust. Rather than shying away from the boundary question which has been left over from history, we have agreed to advance the boundary negotiations. We both believe that as two ancient civilizations, China and India have the wisdom to find a fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable solution. Before the boundary question is resolved, we will improve the relevant mechanisms on border affairs and increase their efficiency, properly manage differences, and jointly maintain peace and tranquility in the border areas. This serves the common interests of both countries. With regard to the issue of trans-border river, the Chinese side understands India’s concerns. In the larger interest of China-India relations as well as the humanitarian spirit, we have been providing assistance to the Indian side in terms of sharing flood-season hydrological information and managing emergency situations.

