In China, the food is served via large communal plates, and in nearly every case, you will be supplied with communal chopsticks

admin2017-01-18  28

问题     In China, the food is served via large communal plates, and in nearly every case, you will be supplied with communal chopsticks for transferring food from the main plates to your own. You should use the communal chopsticks if they are supplied. If they are not or you are unsure, wait for someone to serve food to their own plates, and then copy what they do. On occasion, it is normal for an eager Chinese host to place food into your bowl.


答案 在中国,食物是用大的公用盘子(communal plate)来盛装的,而且基本上都会提供公用的筷子来将食物从公用的盘子里弄到你自己的盘子里。如果有公用的筷子就用公共的筷子来分开食物。如果没有,或是不确定有没有,你可以先等一等,看其他人是怎么做的,然后效仿就行。有时候热心的中国主人会帮你将食物分到你的碗里,这很正常。

解析 1.第一句中,“是用……来盛装的”是被动语态结构,译为is served via…;“公用的筷子”译为communal chopsticks;“从公用的盘子里弄到你自己的盘子里”译为transferring food from the main plates to your own。
2.第二句中,“如果有公用的筷子”译为there be句型,但用“筷子”作主语,采用被动语态结构更恰当,译为if they aresupplied。
3.第三句中,“效仿”指的是效仿他们所做的事情,要将宾语补充完整,译为copy what they do。
4.第四句中,“这很正常”通常译为it-句型,可译为It is normal for do sth.;“将食物分到你的碗里”译为placefood into your bowl。
