
admin2010-07-19  44

问题    文学的工具是语言文字。首先我们必须认识语言文字,其次必须有运用语言文字的技巧。这事看起来似乎很容易,因为一般人日常都在运用语言文字。但是实在很难的,因为文学要用平常的语言文字产生不平常的效果。文学家对于语言文字的了解,必须比一般人都更精确、更透彻,然后方可运用自如。他必须懂得文字的形声义、字的组织以及音义与组织对于读者所产生的深度的影响。这就涉及语文学、逻辑学、文法、美学和心理学各种知识。一个人想创作出第一流的文学作品,除了别的条件,他必须对语言有着深厚的修养,才能够说出想说的话,而且说得好。


答案 The implement of literature is the language. First we have to know the language, and then we must be armed with the craft of using it. The thing looks easy, as all of us arc using the language every day, but it is really difficult, because literature is something that is expressed by ordinary language to produce an extraordinary effect. A man of letters must apprehend the language more precisely and thoroughly than ordinary people, so that he can use it at his will. He must understand the form, the sound, and the meaning of a word, as well as the effects of the arrangements of words in connection with the sound and meaning to be felt by the reader. This will involve such knowledge as philology, logic, grammar, aesthetics and psychology. If a man is to create some literature of the first class, he must, besides other conditions, have profound knowledge of the language, so as to be able to express any idea and express it effectively.

