Every country with a monetary system of its own has to have some kind of market in which dealers in bills, notes, and other form

admin2019-03-20  30

问题 Every country with a monetary system of its own has to have some kind of market in which dealers in bills, notes, and other forms of short term credit can buy and sell. The "money market" , is a set of institutions or arrangements for handling what might be called wholesale transactions in money and short term credit. The need for such facilities arises in much the same way that a similar need does in connection with the distribution of any of the products of a diversified economy to their final users at the retail level. If the retailer is to provide reasonably adequate service to his customers , he must have active contacts with others who specialize in making or handing bulk quantities of whatever is his stock in trade. The money market is made up of specialized facilities of exactly this kind. It exists for the purpose of improving the ability of the retailers of financial services—commercial banks, savings institutions, investment houses, lending agencies, and even governments—to do their job. It has little if any contact with the individuals or firms who maintain accounts with these various retailers or purchase their securities or borrow from them.


答案 每一个拥有独立金融系统的国家都应该有这样的市场:在这里,汇票、期票和其他形式的短期信贷可以进行买卖。“金融市场”就是一组用钱和短期信贷进行批发交易的机构或协议。将多样化经济中的产品在零售层面分配给最终用户需要许多便利设施,同样在批发层面对这类设施的需求也在快速增长。如果零售商要为他的客户提供充足的服务,他必须主动同大量制造及买卖他所要存货物品的其他商人接触。金融市场就是由这种专门的设施、组织组成的。其存在的目的是为了帮助金融服务行业——金融银行、储蓄机构、投资公司、信贷中介、甚至政府——的零售商们提高能力,以做好他们的工作。它与那些在不同零售商那里开立账户或购买它们的有价证券或借贷的个人或公司几乎没有什么联系。

