
admin2010-03-25  44

问题     第二天清早,她起早出了门。她走进批发行商业区,但是每当她走到一个商号,打算进去申请工作时,她的勇气就消失了。她心里骂自己是胆小鬼,所以她继续往前走,走了又走,最后终于走进了一家商号。结果还是老样子。她出来时感到命运在和她作对,因此一切努力都是徒劳的。


答案 In the morning she got up and started out a little early. She walked into tile wholesale district, but as the thought of applying came with each passing firm, her heart shrank. What a coward she was, she thought to herself. She walked on and on, and finally did go into one place, with the old result. She came out feeling that luck was against her. It was no use. Without much thinking, she reached a great fair store with a large crowd of shoppers. This readily changed her thoughts. It was here that she had intended to come and get her new things. Now for relief from distress, she thought she would go in and see. She would look at the jackets. There is nothing in this world more delightful than that middle state in which we, lured by desire and yet deterred by want of decision at times, mentally balance.

