Of all things in the world, I most dislike filling up forms. In fact, I have a positive horror of it. Applying for a driving lic

admin2010-06-30  31

问题      Of all things in the world, I most dislike filling up forms. In fact, I have a positive horror of it. Applying for a driving licence, registering for an evening course, booking a holiday abroad--every thing nowadays seems to involve giving information about one’ s personal life and habits that has little or nothing to do with the matter in hand. When applying for a job, it may be of some obscure interest to a prospective employer to learn that I collect stamps or had measles as a child, but why should he want to know that my father was a tobacconist who lived in Fulham and died when he was 82?
     The authorities who require one to fill up forms frequently demand answers to questions that one would hesitate to put to one’s intimate friends. The worst of it is that, when faced with such questions, my mind goes blank and I can hardly remember my own date of birth, let alone my nationality. Have I ever suffered from a serious illness? Have I7 What do they mean by ’ serious’ 7 I had my tonsils out in hospital when I was eight, and my mother always assured me I was ’ delicate’ , but father contended I was born lazy. Do I suffer from any personal defects? Well, I wear contact lenses and my upper teeth are not my own, but perhaps the word ’ defects’ applies to my character. Am I supposed to admit that I like gambling, and find it difficult to get up in the morning? Both of which are true.
     Of all, I think job applications are the worst. ’ Education--previous experience--posts held-- give dates... ’ Terrified by the awful warning about giving false declarations which appears at the bottom of the form, I struggle to remember what exams I passed and how long I worked for what firms. However hard I try, there always seems to be a year or two for which I cannot satisfactorily ac count and which I am certain, if left blank, will give the impression that I was in prison or engaged in some occupation too dubious to mention. Even when the form is safely posted, there is no relief as I hourly await and order from angry official to explain differences on my form.
When the writer has finally posted his form, he ______.

选项 A、heaves a sigh of relief
B、expects it to be ignored
C、expects there will be unexpected effects
D、awaits the arrival of an official


解析 文章最后一句:Even when the form is safely posted,there is no relief as I hour ly await and order from angry official to explain differences on my form.意思是:即使是作者填完表格后将其安全寄出,他也不会有如释重负的感觉,时刻准备着收到表格的对方会来质问他关于表格上的一些出入,并让他予以解释。而这些情况对于作者来讲都是可能发生的、预料不到的后果,即unexpected e
