Woe! Woe to the politician who is perceived to be failing to do something about the soaring price of gasoline, which has jumped

admin2014-02-15  41

问题     Woe! Woe to the politician who is perceived to be failing to do something about the soaring price of gasoline, which has jumped about 20 percent in the past six months. AAA estimates the average two-car household will consume more than 1,200 gallons of gasoline a year. That means the 50-cents-a-gallon increase over the past year has families spending an extra $600 of after-tax money each year, squeezing middle- and low-income families the most.
    What to do? We must provide an environment certain to attract the huge capital investment necessary to enhance and improve production of every energy resource— oil, gas, nuclear, hydro, coal, and renewables. The auto industry has shown how it can improve fuel efficiency, so we must work out a timely updating of such standards for cars, light trucks, and SUVs. No progress will be possible, however, without sacrifice. We will pay more dearly, if we procrastinate. Failure to develop an energy policy means we can look forward to a lifetime of enriching the obscene sheiks, of wasting treasure and blood to defend the Middle East while impoverishing ordinary Americans and hobbling our economy.


答案 可悲!政客们对汽油价格在过去6个月中飙升20%似乎束手无策真是可悲。据AAA估算,有两部车的普通家庭一年要消耗1200多加仑汽油。也就是说,去年一年中每加仑汽油价格上涨50美分,这些家庭就得每年多支出600美元的税后款项,其中中低收入家庭是最大受害者。 我们该怎么办?我们必须营造一个优良的环境,以便吸引大量投资,来加强和改进每一种能源的生产,如石油、天然气、核能、氢、煤和可再生性能源。汽车业已经显示出提高燃料利用率的能力,所以我们必须及时地针对汽车、轻卡和越野车更新这方面的标准。当然,任何进步都伴随着代价;只是如果耽搁的话,我们要付出更大的代价。

解析 1、本段围绕汽油价格上涨的后果及其相应对策展开论述;透彻理解原文,准确翻译专业语汇,注意在译文中体现新闻语体的特征是做好本篇翻译的关键。
2、第1段第2句的to be failing to do something译为“束手无策”,译文汉化,有出奇制胜的效果;be perceived是英语新闻套语,一般译为“据观察”,这里转译为“似乎”:which引导的定语从句在深层语义上表示价格飙升的程度,故译为状语。
4、第2段第2句的to attract...作状语修饰动词provide;necessary to enhance…作定语修饰the huge capital investment,它们都可译为汉语中的独立小句,以符合汉语的行文习惯。
5、第2段第3句的SUV是Spots Utility Vehicle的缩写,现通译为“(休闲)越野车”。
