
admin2022-03-09  38

问题 下面你将听到一段有关扩大开放与鼓励外商投资的讲话。


答案 China will unswervingly follow a win-win strategy of opening-up, adopt high-quality policies to advance trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and move toward nationwide opening-up that coordinates the coastal and inland areas and connects the eastern and western regions…. To broaden its opening-up, China will step up efforts in the following aspects: First, we will stimulate the potential for increased imports…. To meet the trend of consumption upgrading, we will take more proactive measures to increase people’s income and spending power, foster new growth areas of medium-high-end consumption, continue to unleash the potential of the domestic market and expand the scope for imports…. Second, we will continue to broaden market access…. China has shortened the negative list on foreign investment to reduce investment restrictions and promote investment liberalization. We are steadily increasing the openness of the financial sector, continuing to open up the service sector, and working toward greater openness in the agricultural, mining and manufacturing sectors. We are accelerating opening in such areas as telecommunications, education, medical service and culture. In particular, the foreign equity caps are going to be raised in the education and medical service sectors, where there is both huge interest among foreign investors and shortage in domestic supply. In the coming 15 years, China’s import of goods and services are expected to exceed US $30 trillion and US $10 trillion respectively. Third, we will foster a world-class business environment. China will introduce the law on foreign investment at a faster pace, and institute an open and transparent system of foreign-related laws. We will implement, across the board, the management system based on pre-establishment national treatment and negative list. We respect international business rules and practice, and provide equal treatment to all types of businesses registered in China. We protect the lawful rights and interests of foreign companies, and are resolute in meting out, in a law-binding manner, punishment for violations of the lawful rights and interests of foreign investors, particularly IPR infringements. We will enhance the credibility and efficiency of IP examination, and put in place a punitive compensation system to significantly raise the cost for offenders… I am convinced that as long as we have strategic confidence, deepen reform and opening-up across the board, intensify supply-side structural reforms and make greater efforts to solve outstanding problems, then the Chinese economy will surely make a quicker transition to high-quality development, the Chinese people will surely overcome all challenges coming our way, and China will surely embrace a brighter future of development.

解析     本文为习近平主席在第一届进口博览会上的致辞,主要讲述了中国将继续扩大开放,吸引外商投资所做的举措。第三段讲述了中国激发进口潜力。第四段讲述了中国为扩大开放而放宽市场准入。第五段讲述了中国完善涉外法律,保障外商权益。最后一段为中国经济发展的愿景。本文属于经贸类文章,长度适中,文章逻辑清晰,难点词汇较少,每段信息密度适中,难度属于中等。
    (1) 第三段的最后一句“中国将顺应国内消费升级趋势,采取更加积极有效的政策措施,促进居民收入增加、消费能力增强,培育中、高端消费新增长点,持续释放国内市场潜力,扩大进口空间”中,存在几个短句,但是短句之间并非并列关系,而是存在因果关系,翻译时可适当显化逻辑。因此,“促进居民收入增加”后面的句子可以用to连接,表示目的,避免堆砌译文。“消费升级”可译为consumption upgrading,“扩大进口空间”可译为expand the scope for imports。
    (2) 第四段的第三句“中国正在稳步扩大金融业开放,持续推进服务业开放,深化农业、采矿业、制造业开放,加快电信、教育、医疗、文化等领域开放进程”信息比较密集,存在多个并列成分,考查考生的笔记与脑记能力,难度较大。由于信息密度较大,可以适当将源语进行切分,可将前三个动词“扩大”,“推进”与“深化”译为一个整句,“加快”单独译为一个独立的句子,可以避免译语冗余。因此,全句可译为We are steadily increasing the openness of the financial sector, continuing to open up the service sector, and working toward greater openness in the agricultural, mining and manufacturing sectors. We are accelerating opening in such areas as telecommunications, education, medical service and culture。
    (3) 第五段中,“坚决依法惩处侵犯外商合法权益特别是侵犯知识产权行为”中的“惩处”可译为mete out,“涉外法律体系”可译为foreign related laws,“惩罚性赔偿制度”可译为punitive compensation system。此外,“对在中国境内注册的各类企业一视同仁、平等对待”,两个四字成语意思相同,只需翻译其中一个,可译为provide equal treatment to an types of businesses registered in China。
    (4) 第六段的信息密度较小,但需注意最后三个“一定”句子的翻译。这三个句子主语不一致,分别为“中国经济”,“中国人民”与“中国”,翻译时可相应译成独立的句子。“中国经济一定能加快转入高质量发展轨道”无须逐字翻译,“轨道”可省译,因此该句可译为the Chinese economy will surely make a quicker transition to high—quality development。
