Write an article of about 150 words on the cartoon by following the outline below. (1)Describe the cartoon; (2)Draw implications

admin2015-06-22  18

问题 Write an article of about 150 words on the cartoon by following the outline below.
(1)Describe the cartoon;
(2)Draw implications of the cartoon;
(3)Make comments.(15 points)


答案 What a funny cartoon! We can see that a father is standing at the door, as if waiting for his son who has just come back from school. The father puts both of his hands behind his back, with a 100-dollar bill in one and a feather duster in the other. Judging from the fatty body shape of the son, he is quite spoiled. He also puts his both hands behind his back, unwilling to show his test paper to his father. What does the cartoon aim to convey to us? In my understanding, most families in China have only one child. And the education of this one beloved child has become a huge challenge for many parents. They usually adopt the carrot or stick approach. When their child performs well in school, parents will be glad to indulge them in material demands; and when their performance is dissatisfactory, they punish them harshly without probing into the root cause. Such simplistic breeding methods almost never produce desired effects, leaving young people puzzled and defiant. There is good reason to believe that educating young kids is never an easy job. To accomplish this task well, parents should learn some education psychology, through which they may realize that the success in bringing up a child is different from raising a pet. It involves the implementation of a well-defined discipline, good example and sincere communications between the two generations.

解析     本文的第一段粗线条地描述了漫画上的主要内容。开头一句是What a funny cartoon!引出了漫画中父亲和儿子的各自举止:父亲站在门口,好像等待着上学回家的儿子,双手放在背后,一手握着100元钞票,另一手拿着鸡毛掸,显然是做两手准备;胖乎乎的儿子一看就是被惯坏的模样,他也把两手放在后面,不愿给老爸看考试成绩。
    第二段是谈论这个漫画的寓意:独生子女教育问题。面对这个挑战,家长们通常采取“胡萝卜加大棒”的策略(carrot or stick approach)。小孩子表现好了家长们就在物质上纵容孩子;反之就会不分青红皂白地(without probing into the root cause)惩罚他们。这种简单的教育方式(simplistic breeding methods)是难以收到应有的效果(produce the desired effects)的,只会让小孩子困惑和叛逆。
    最后一段是作者发表评论和建议:家长要学一点教育心理学,要执行一个明确的行为准则(well-defined discipline),还要以身作则,和孩子坦诚交流。
