From Our Darkest Day, Our Brightest Hope That awful September morning, when jet-liners rained from the sky, and the worst an

admin2013-02-24  42

问题              From Our Darkest Day, Our Brightest Hope
    That awful September morning, when jet-liners rained from the sky, and the worst anyone could imagine seemed possible, the Welch sisters had more reason than most to panic. Rumors of violent death swirled around their schools near Alexandria, Va., and Aubrey, Alyssa, Alana and Ashley knew for certain that their father had headed to work early that morning--at the Pentagon (五角大楼). "I was scared," says Alyssa, 10, the youngest. "I thought, ’Oh, no! My dad works in the west ring, where they’re saying the plane hit!’"
    Lt. Col. Tracy L. Welch survived that day because he was walking to a meeting when Flight 77 hit the Pentagon.  But it was hours before his daughters learned that their father was alive. The family’s brush with disaster made the girls sensitive to the suffering of those who weren’t so lucky. Then something important started, as it often does, with a simple idea.
                A Flood of Support
    On September 12,  the girls decided to hold a car wash and donate the proceeds to the American Red ,Cross. They called their effort "Wash America: Help Wash Away the Hurt" and contacted local radio stations to get the word out.  Then the sisters set to work with buckets and water. They raised $10,000 the first day, before the idea shot cross-country like water from a fire hose (消防水管). Last fall, people in 31 states scrubbed cars clean for Wash America. And when the suds (肥皂泡) were dry, they’d raised more than $85,000 for the families of the victims.
    "I never thought kids could change the world," says Aubrey, 15. "But now I know that when people come together, even average kids like us, you can do something."
    Stories like the Welch sisters are proof that, though Sept. 11 was one of our nation’s darkest days, Americans response to the tragedy has been one of the brightest chapters in our history. After the attacks, people everywhere asked instinctively, "What can I do?" And perhaps no group has been more anxious to help with the healing process than young people. Today, encouraged by President Bush’s call to service and the newly formed USA Freedom Corps, record numbers of young volunteers are comforting victims of the terrorist attacks and tackling ongoing problems such as hunger and homelessness. And as National Volunteer Week begins today, communities across the country will honor those who are healing the world.
              The Greatest Generation
    In January, millions of youths took up the Do Something organization’s "Kindness & Justice Challenge", dedicating two weeks to good deeds, like gathering supplies for schools in need. By April, through a 4-H program, youth and adults had pledged a staggering 3.4 million hours to community service. Beginning this Friday on National Youth Service Day, organizers expect to shatter turnout records.  PARADE is a sponsor of this annual event,  which celebrates the year-round efforts of young volunteers.
    "People ask whether this generation is up for tile challenges we face." says Steve Culbertson, president of Youth Service America, the organizer of the event.  "But we have the greatest generation of young Americans right under our noses. Youths today are volunteering more than any other generation in history. The challenge is making enough room for the amazing energy they bring to the problem-solving table."
              The Time to Help Is Now
    The energy of 18-year-old Marquise McGraw could light up an entire New York City neighborhood. Marquise, a gifted, college-bound student, tutors young kids in science and, as part of his 4-H program, delivers computer presentations on the importance of staying in school. "I live in the projects," Marquise says, "and kids here don’t always have the right role models. I wanted to encourage kids to follow in my footsteps."  The attacks on his city made Marquise even more dedicated to service. Since September, he’s been tutoring five days a week. "Sep. 11 made me reconsider myself as a New Yorker and an American," Marquise says, "I realized you can’t just say you’ll help people later. It made me get to work."
    Lately, Don Floyd, president and CEO of the National 4-H Council, has noticed many reactions like Marquise’s. "Before Sept. 11, we took our volunteer spirit for granted, like we took so many things for granted,’ he says. "But volunteerism has become more important since Sept. 11. I think it’s because helping others knits us together. It makes us stronger."
             Inside the "Hate-Free Zone"
    Like many young volunteers, Gerardo Jerry Jimenez, 19, from Salem, Ore., was inspired by Sept. 11 to fight harder against forces that were pulling his community apart. For years, Jerry had helped children threatened with domestic violence to find shelter.    But in late September, fearing Muslims would face a blood of intolerance,  Jerry and his youth group invited Muslim teens to a town hall meeting to offer their support. Then Jerry helped post "hate-free zone" signs in places where Muslims might face discrimination.    "Learning that I could help others gave me more hope than I ever had," he explains, "Community service changed my life."
    The honor roll of young people who’ve changed others’ lives is endless.  Prudential Spirit of Community award-winner Rebecca Hill, 17, of Littleton, Colo., organized a concert called "United We Sing" and raised $24,000 for the American Red Cross. And there’s Kristen Hargis, 10, of Charlotte, N.C., who collected teddy hears and distributed them to New York City children traumatized (使受精神创伤) by the attacks.
    For the many Americans still shocked from the attack on our country, and for millions of others whose problems require urgent attention, there is the promise that a newly-mobilized army of young volunteers is on the march to make a difference. "So often since Sept. 11, we’ve heard people say that America changed forever," says Steve Culbertson. "With young people like these leading the way, we have changed forever. We’re better than before."
According to Don Floyd, president and CEO of the National -H Council, volunteerism has become more important since Sept. 11.

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