中国佛教建筑的发展可以追溯到佛教在汉代被引入中国时。佛教的本土化也从此时开始,阐释着中国建筑的美学和文化。佛教建筑主要包括庙宇、佛塔和石窟。佛教建筑被视为一个将书法、雕塑和绘画结合起来的伟大艺术宝库。 在中国,佛教始终也没有像基督教在西方那样,获得

admin2016-12-27  77

问题     中国佛教建筑的发展可以追溯到佛教在汉代被引入中国时。佛教的本土化也从此时开始,阐释着中国建筑的美学和文化。佛教建筑主要包括庙宇、佛塔和石窟。佛教建筑被视为一个将书法、雕塑和绘画结合起来的伟大艺术宝库。


答案The history of Buddhist architecture in China dates back to Han Dynasty, when Buddhism was first introduced into China. The localization of Buddhism began at the same time with its architecture illustrating aesthetics and culture of Chinese architecture. Buddhist architecture mainly consists of the temple, pagoda and grotto. It is deemed as a great art treasure house that integrates calligraphy, sculpture and painting. Buddhism has never developed into a dominant religion that commands social ideology in China as Christianity has done in the west. "Divine right of kings" is advocated in both China and the west, with "divine" given more importance in the west and "right of kings" in China. This difference is also demonstrated in architecture: temples and churches are mainstream architectures in the west, while palaces and capital cities are considered most important in China with temples placed secondary.

