
admin2023-02-07  20

问题 风筝起源于中国,在这里制作风筝的理想材料一应俱全:丝织品用来做帆,极具韧性的(high-tensile-strength)丝线可以制作风筝线,轻盈的骨架则由韧性十足的竹子制成。据说,风筝是墨子和鲁班在公元前5世纪时发明的。在13世纪末期,马可.波罗首次将与风筝有关的故事介绍到欧洲。尽管风筝最初只被看作珍奇物品(curiosity),但自18世纪开始,风筝已经被用作科研工具。现在,风筝节已经成为一种流行的娱乐形式。最为著名的就是中国的潍坊风筝节。


答案Kites originated in China, where ideal materials for making kites were readily available; silk fabric for the sail, high-tensile-strength silk thread for the kite string, and resilient bamboo for the light framework. It is said that kites were invented by Mozi and Lu Ban in the 5th century BC. Stories about kites were first introduced to Europe by Marco Polo in the late 13 th century. Although kites were initially regarded as curiosities, since the 18th century they have been used as a vehicle for scientific research. Now, kite festivals have become a popular form of entertainment, and the most famous one is China’s Weifang Kite Festival.

解析 1. 第一句很长,冒号前面是句子主干,冒号后面是用来介绍“理想材料”的分句,并且是并列结构,可译作省略句。例如:“丝织品用来做帆”可直接翻译为silk fabric for the sail。而不需要用系动词或谓语动词。其他两个并列分句也可按此格式进行翻译。使译文简洁明了。
2. 第二句中,“据说”可以译为“It is said that…”。that引导的从句的主语可以是“风筝”。也可以是“墨子和鲁班”,但是为了强调风筝。可将kites用作主语,使用被动语态。
3. 第四句中,“最初”可译为initially或at the very beginning;“科研工具”可译为a vehicle for scientific research,“尽管……但……”这种转折关系可以用although或though引导从句来表达,也可以用in spite of或despite引导的名词性短语来表达。
4. 最后一句中,“风筝节”可以译为kite festivals;“潍坊风筝节”作为专有名词,每个单词的首字母必须大写,可以译为Weifang Kite Festival。
