Read carefully the following excerpt on historical buildings, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which y

admin2022-01-15  42

问题     Read carefully the following excerpt on historical buildings, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should:
    1) Summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then
    2) Comment on whether we should protect old historic buildings or not. You should support yourself with information from the excerpt.
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
                                                Should Hong Kong Demolish WW2-era Buildings?
    The Hong Kong authority had wanted to pull down about a dozen World War Two-era buildings, each about three-to-five stories high, to make way for two high-rise residential towers, but it decided on Thursday to withdraw the application.
    "The Urban Renewal Authority (URA), a statutory body funded by the Hong Kong government, has heard various opinions from members of the community, and has decided to withdraw the planning application filed earlier," it said in a statement to the BBC.
    The authority added that it had not yet decided whether to file a new proposal.
    Conservation activist Katty Law, convener of the Central and Western Concern Group, said she was celebrating, even if it was only a temporary victory. "This time, community opposition as well as District Council opposition was enough to stop a really bad scheme," she said in response to the withdrawal. "But this is still a redevelopment area. We really want this whole area to be conserved as a historic neighbourhood, rather than treating it as a dilapidated area."
    "This is a very historic neighbourhood," says Dare Koslow, who owns many tenement properties in Hong Kong, including a spacious, airy flat in one of the buildings being slated for possible demolition. "It was rebuilt after the Second World War. It deserves better than to be knocked down to make way for high rises.


答案 The Protection of Old Buildings Many old buildings have been proposed to be knocked down due to their unsafe and unsatisfactory state, just as the Hong Kong authority did. However, according to this excerpt, the proposal is not favoured among the public just to make room for new high rises since the WW2-era buildings have a lot of features unique to their era and of great historical importance. They are advised not just simply to be demolished. In my opinion, protection or replacement depends on the value of old buildings. Those ancient building should be well protected due to their historical value. They are part of our history, displaying how the ancient lived in the past and what features were prioritized in the building. They are not just old buildings. Just as the news reports, it is wrong to replace two old buildings in Hong Kong with modern skyscrapers. This act deliberately neglects the historical value and is just driven by profit. Local governments and related offices did not realize its historical importance in culture. However, for those old buildings with few cultural values, it is better to remove them and give way to new modern ones for greater uses. According to a famous American college with a long history, its two portables have been worn down and still in bad condition though repaired often, which are very uncomfortable to be used for both teachers and students. If replaced with two new modern ones, they may help to provide a better learning environment with advanced learning tools and air conditioners. Therefore, it is a quick decision to reserve or not without careful analysis of the value of the old buildings. Ancient and culturally valued buildings should be conserved and maintained while worn architectures without any value should be demolished and make way for new buildings.

解析 老建筑是应该保护还是拆除,一直都有争论。所给材料是关于香港政府提议推倒二战时期的建筑来建新的高楼大厦,这一提议引起公众的拒绝。支持者们认为作为历史建筑应该保护起来,而不是当作一个破落的地方来对待。在论述过程中,考生们要注意直接提出自己的观点——保护还是拆除,然后围绕材料中的老建筑的历史文化意义来展开论证。
