Great books are always contemporary. In contrast, the books we call "contemporary", because they are currently popular, last onl

admin2010-03-25  43

问题    Great books are always contemporary. In contrast, the books we call "contemporary", because they are currently popular, last only for a year or two, or ten at the most. You probably cannot recall the names of many earlier best sellers and you probably would not be interested in reading them. But the great books are never outmoded by the movement of thought or the shifting winds of doctrine and opinion.
   People regard the "classics" as the great has-beens, the great books of other times. "Our times are different," they say. On the contrary, the great books are not dusty remains for scholars to investigate, they are, rather, the most potent civilizing forces in the world today.
   Great books are the most readable. They will not let you down if you try to read them well. They have more ideas per page than most books have in their entirety. That is why you can read a great hook over and over again and never exhaust its contents.


答案 名著永远不会落后于时代。与此相反,有一些称为“当代作品”的书籍,风靡一时,只畅销一年或两年,最多不过十年。你很可能记不起许多早年的畅销书名,也可能无任何兴趣去谈它们;但名著绝不会因思潮的改变或学说与见解的风向而过时。 人们往往视“经典著作”为过时的名著,其他时代的名著。他们说,“我们这个时代不同了。”经典名著绝不是供学者钻研的故纸堆,恰恰相反,它们是今日世界上最强大的文明力量。名著隽永耐读。如果读法得当,你就会感到开卷有益。名著一页上的思想内容多于许多书籍的整本内容,这就是一部名著可以反复阅读,每读必有所获的道理。

