A、the latter interfered in consular services of the US embassy. B、the latter didn’t receive one representative of US officials.

admin2010-07-19  35

The State Department criticized the Nicaraguan government for allegedly refusing to grant US officials access to Eugene Hasenfus. He’s the survivor of Sunday’s plane crash inside Nicaragua. State Department spokesman Charles Redmond said, "Our representative was not received by the Nicaraguan government And we view this with the utmost seriousness. The rendering of consular services is an essential part of the function of an embassy. The Sandinista government has once again taken action to make that function difficult and has raised the question of whether, indeed, a US embassy can function normally within Nicaragua. We frankly cannot accept the delay in granting consular access since the Sandinista government has apparently gone to some lengths to parade Mr. Hasenfus before the press, and considering the fact that a government spokesman stated clearly on American television that access would be granted. "Meanwhile President Bush today denied that the downed plane allegedly carrying arms to Contra rebels was operating under official US orders. He also acknowledged that the government has been aware that private American groups and citizens have been helping the anti-government forces in Nicaragua.

选项 A、the latter interfered in consular services of the US embassy.
B、the latter didn’t receive one representative of US officials.
C、the former was mad at deeds of the Sandinista government.
D、the former worried about the safety of Eugene Hasenfus.


