Your department has a lot of work at present, but your assistant has asked for two weeks’ leave. Write an email to the HR manage

admin2016-07-30  26

问题 Your department has a lot of work at present, but your assistant has asked for two weeks’ leave.
Write an email to the HR manager, Bob, in your company:
- telling him you need his help
- explaining why you need help
- asking for a temporary assistant.
Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.


答案To: Bob From: Helen Jones Subject: Asking for help Dear Bob, I’m writing to ask for your help. My assisfant will be on leave tomorrow because his father is seriously ill. However, we are very busy now. Could you please arrange for a temporary assistant to meet the emergent need? Thanks. Yours, Helen Jones

解析     在动笔前首先要仔细审题,确定背景材料中自己的假定身份和假定的写作对象,并明确考题的意图,即要求考生写什么,怎么写。以上题为例,该题目是要求考生以某部门负责人的身份给人力资源部的经理发一份邮件,主要内容是告知你部门近期工作繁忙,而你的助理又请了两周假,同时向他解释说明助理必须休假的原因,并要求他派一位临时助理。由于收、发件人的级别相当,且彼此比较熟悉,因此,书写邮件时可以采用较口语化的语言。
