
admin2016-05-01  22

问题     麻将(Makjong)是一种来自中国的四人玩的游戏。每副麻将有136张牌(tile),一般用竹子、骨头或塑料制成。麻将是一种需要技术、策略、计算和一定运气的游戏。麻将在中国十分受欢迎,流行于社会各个阶层和领域。有人认为它是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,也有人认为它与赌博有关,会引发很多社会问题。但是它的存在是当今中国人无法回避的现实。


答案 Mahjong, a game from China, is commonly played by four players. A set of mahjong contains 136 tiles, which are usually made of bamboo, bone or plastic. Mahjong is a game of skill, strategy and calculation and involves a certain degree of luck. Being well received all over China, mahjong is popular with people of all classes and fields. Some think it is an important part of Chinese traditional culture, while others hold that it may lead to many social problems because it is related to gambling. But the existence of mahjong is an unavoidable reality for Chinese today.

解析 1.“来自中国的”可用介词短语from China作定语修饰game,置于Mahjong之后,作为插入语;“四人玩的”可译为被动语态be played by four players。
2.“每副麻将”可译为a set of mahjong;“一般用竹子、骨头或塑料制成”可译作由which引导的非限制性定语从句。
3.“麻将在中国十分受欢迎”可用现在分词短语(Being well received...)的形式来表达,作为原因状语,置于句首;“流行于社会各个阶层和领域”可理解为“在……中流行”,译成短语be popular with…。
4.在倒数第2句中,“与赌博有关”和“引发社会问题”中存在因果关系,前者是因,后者是果,故可将“引发社会问题”译为主句,而“与赌博有关”则译为原因状语从句(because it is related to gambling)。
