Title: MY HOMETOWN Word limit: 160 - 200 words Time limit: 40 minutes You are required to develop your essay according to the gi

admin2010-11-27  34

Word limit: 160 - 200 words
Time limit: 40 minutes
You are required to develop your essay according to the given topic sentence of each paragraph.
1. My hometown is very beautiful.
2. Some changes of my hometown.
3. The people of my hometown.


答案 My Hometown The scenery near my hometown is very beautiful. Just to the west lies a small, tranquil lake whose surface is as smooth as glass. The lake is fed by an ice-cold stream, which tumbles down a nearby mountainside, and winds through a number of apple and pear orchards. The area around my family’s old place has really changed. The peach orchard that used to grow across the street had been pulled out and replaced by a housing tract. On the pasture land behind our house, a junior high school was built five years ago. Many’ old houses were demolished and replaced with apartment buildings, suburban houses, and small shopping centers. However, the best thing about my hometown is the people. They are kind and hospitable and happily welcome visitors in for tea. They are intelligent and diligent. They try to help each other in hard times. Sometimes it seems that we are all of one big happy family.

