NY City Seeks to Expand Lower-Cost Units The City Council yesterday approved the first major overhaul of the most popular ta

admin2018-08-12  39

问题     NY City Seeks to Expand Lower-Cost Units
    The City Council yesterday approved the first major overhaul of the most popular tax break for apartment building developers, adopting a plan intended to induce them to build tens of thousands of apartments for people other than the wealthy.
    The changes, which Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg supported and which would go into effect in 2008, significantly increase the areas of the city in which developers who want the tax break must make one out of every five apartments they build affordable to lower-income people. The boundaries of those areas would be reconsidered every two years in light of trends in the housing market.
    In addition, and for the first time in the 35-year history of the program, those lower-priced apartments would have to be included in each building and could not be built elsewhere in the city. There would be a cap on the size of the tax break given for market-rate apartments, to limit the degree to which the program might be said to subsidize gentrification.
    The revised program would also include a $ 400 million trust fund for developing low and moderately priced housing, especially in the city’s 15 poorest neighborhoods in the city.
    Housing officials estimate that the program, which is said to have fueled the construction of 110, 000 units since 1971, will generate 20,000 new units of lower-priced housing over the first 10 years. The apartments, for rent or sale, will be set aside for low-income New Yorkers.


答案 纽约市大力开发低价住宅 昨天纽约市议会批准了一项重大改革,首次调整了对公寓房开发商进行减税的政策,该举措倍受欢迎。市议会采取方案旨在促使他们为普通人而非富人修建上万套公寓住宅。 该项改革得到了纽约市长迈克尔-布隆伯格的支持,并将于2008年付诸实施。这项改革将扩大城中某些(特定)区域,在这些区域,房地产开发商若想享受减税政策,他们每建五套房,其中必须有一套要让低收入者买得起。这些区域面积的大小将根据房产市场的发展态势每两年调整一次。 此外,每建造一幢楼房都必须包括这样的廉价公寓,而不是单独建在纽约市的某区域,这在该计划实施35年来还是第一次。对于市场价公寓,减税数额有封顶限制,这在一定程度上可避免有人批评该计划(可避免该计划被说成是)在资助提高房屋品味。 改革后的这项计划还包括设立一项4亿美元的信托基金,用于开发中低价格的住宅,尤其是在该市最贫穷的15个居民区投资开发。 据说该计划自1971年实施以来已推动建造了11万套住房。房地官员估计,此计划在未来十年将再建造出两万套新的廉价住宅。这些公寓房无论出租还是出售,都只针对低收入的纽约人。

