Should a Teaching Building Be Named after a Donor? 目前学校用捐赠者的名字给教学楼命名很普遍 1.有人对此表示支持 2.有人则表示反对 3.我的看法

admin2013-05-04  49

问题 Should a Teaching Building Be Named after a Donor?


答案 Should a Teaching Building Be Named after a Donor? It’s quite common today for a teaching building to be named after a donor. Some appreciate it, for the donor’s contribution should be honored and memorized, and naming is a good way to show respect and gratitude to the donor. And this in turn will encourage more people to donate to schools, which will bring better studying environment for students. However, some people consider this in another way. They say that many individuals and companies are using donation as a way to advertise, and to some extent it looks like that schools are "selling" the teaching buildings for donation. They argue that the school should be a place for study, and its purity must be preserved. In my opinion, donation is essential to schools, so naming a teaching building or two is inevitable. But schools must take careful consideration before naming. Anyway, teaching buildings are not signboards, and schools not markets.

