SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 Questions 1-3 Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS for each.

admin2009-05-13  61

问题 SECTION 1  Questions 1-10

Questions 1-3
Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS for each.
Saleswoman: Good afternoon. Can I help you?
Customer: Yes, I’d like to sign up for the intermediate course in Arabic, please.
Saleswoman: Of course. There are three courses. One runs during the day--that’s an intensive course that runs for four weeks. Then there is the weekend course, which runs for eight weeks. Finally, the evening course runs for twelve weeks.
Customer: I’d like to join the intensive course, please. My company is posting me to Syria in six weeks and I need to improve on my basic conversational Arabic before then.
Saleswoman: I see. Have you taken a course here before?
Customer: Yes, I have. I took the Arabic refresher course during the summer. I really enjoyed it.
Saleswoman: Do you have your registration card for that course? If so, it will speed up registration and we can give you a 5% discount too.
Customer: I think I have it in my handbag. ...Yes, here it is. A little dog-eared, I’m afraid.
Saleswoman: Thank you. ...Your name is David Ri...I’m sorry, the rest of your name is not clear.
Customer: Rivers--R I V E R S.
Saleswoman: Ah, yes. ...OK, I have your details on the computer.
Customer: Actually, my address has changed since I took the previous course. My new address is 38 Temple Way.
Saleswoman: Thank you. I’ll just change that. Can I have your new postcode too, please?
Customer: Certainly--it’s BM9 2EV. My new home telephone number is 698 45 37. My mobile number is the same as before.
Saleswoman: That’s 0987 375 633?
Customer: That’s fight.
Saleswoman: It says here that the teacher was very impressed with you.
Customer: Really? Ahmed was a great teacher. Is he still here?
Saleswoman: I’m afraid not. He went back to Syria. Since you’re going there, I’d love to give you his email address, but I’m afraid it’s against company policy.
Customer: That’s OK. I think I have his email address written on the back of the registration card. I have it on my laptop as well somewhere.
Saleswoman: I’m sure he’d be glad to hear from an ex-student.
Customer: I’m banking on it. I wouldn’t mind having a friend in Syria when I go there.
Saleswoman: I’m sure he’ll be glad to show you around. The course runs Monday to Friday from 10 to 12 and 1 to 3. Nine students have signed up so far. Is that OK?
Customer: No problem. And the cost?
Saleswoman: 380 pounds, after your discount.
Customer: Thank you. Here’s my credit card. ...Will the course be held in this building, like last time?
Saleswoman: Yes, it will. In classroom 4. The teacher this time is Mrs Aziz.
Customer: Oh, I’ve met her. She seems well spoken and friendly. I’m looking forward to her class already.
Saleswoman: Oh, we’ve had very positive feedback from students about her classes. May I ask if you have a few minutes to answer a few questions? We’re conducting a survey of our clients. It won’t take long, I promise.
Customer: Oh, I’m not in a hurry. Go ahead.
Saleswoman: The first question is about why you chose to study Arabic. I’ve got your answer to that one. How did you first hear about our school?
Customer: Well, I saw a newspaper advertisement--I think it was in The Standard--and then I mentioned it in conversation with a friend who had studied French here and she said she was very happy with the course.
Saleswoman: Oh, I see. What was your friend’s name?
Customer: Mary Wright, with a ’W’.
Saleswoman: W R I G H T. Thank you. Do you think you would be interested in taking courses other than in Arabic?
Customer: I doubt it. I need to speak a little French and German in my line of work, but I speak those languages to an acceptable level, so further improvement is unnecessary. I’ve always been interested in learning an Oriental language--like Chinese--but I don’t really need either, so...
Saleswoman: What is important to you when selecting a school? Could you put these five items in order, please? One indicates the most important.
Customer: Teachers is top of my list, for sure. Recommendations from others--yes, that’s next. Teaching materials?, location. Then admin staff. I think a good teacher can make use of even quite poor materials, so that would be the least important to me.
Saleswoman: Any other important points that are not on the list?
Customer: A welcoming reception area, size--perhaps up to a dozen students. That’s a big attraction for me. It creates a better atmosphere--friendlier, more personal. You know what I mean?
Saleswoman: Absolutely. Thank you very much for that. Here’s a complimentary English-Arabic pocket dictionary with our thanks.


答案4/four weeks

