A、Over-sized. B、Chic. C、Very costumed. D、outdated. C在谈到Gaga的穿着时,主持人问你是怎么有穿着这种戏服的想法的。可见Gaga的穿着风格非常戏服化,选C项。

admin2017-03-07  34

M: You said that people use the word icon carelessly. Do you consider yourself an icon?
W: No, I do not. I hope when I’m dead I’ll be considered an icon, though.
M: Who are your icons? Who does Lady Gaga look up to?
W: Who do I look up to? My mother. My grandmother. I love Princess Diana. So much. She has—was an enormous influence on me when I was younger because my mother worshipped her so much. Her story, how she began, what she married into, how her society affected her as a woman. I was always very fascinated with Princess Diana. When she died, it was— I’ll never forget. My mother was crying, sitting on the couch watching the news, and I was very young. And it was this very powerful moment in my childhood watching my mother so connected to someone. So I guess you could say she is one of my biggest icons. As well as, you know, David Bowie, wonderful.
M: Did the family encourage you to sing and dance and perform?
W: Yes. My mother was actually in musical theater when she was younger, and my dad was in a Bruce Springsteen cover band for many years. He was a real Jersey Shore boy. And they were always very supportive. They always—you know, I think more than anything in my house growing up, my parents instilled a very strong work ethic in me and my sisters. So as long as I worked hard at whatever it is that I wanted to do, they were OK with me doing it. But if I was ever lazy, I would—I would reckon that they would perhaps not want me to do it.
M: How did you come up with the idea—the incredible idea of these costumes? Of not just singing and dancing, but the way you present yourself. How did that come about?
W: Well, some of the things I wear are obviously created for me by designers or they’re recreations of archives of things worn in the 70s and in the ’80s. But lots of the newer more original pieces, they’re meant to be kind of a rejection of what people view about women. I am a feminist. And I want to change the way people view women and change. I’m trying to push the limits, push the boundaries as much as I can. And I also really love—love the way I dress. And it brings me a personal joy and satisfaction in my own life that I like to share with my fans. I also try to create things that are quite easy for my fans to replicate. Some of them not so much. But some of them are very easy for my fans to replicate, and that bonds us in a way. It’s quite nice to have this connection to them outside of everything else.
M: OK This is CNN, and we have Lady Gaga tonight Stay tuned, we’ll be right back.
6. What influence did Princess Diana’s death bring to Gaga’s family?
7. What do we know about Gaga’s parents?
8. What do we know about Gaga’s dressing style?
9. What does Gaga believe her way to dress can do?
10. What do we learn from this part of the interview?

选项 A、Over-sized.
C、Very costumed.


解析 在谈到Gaga的穿着时,主持人问你是怎么有穿着这种戏服的想法的。可见Gaga的穿着风格非常戏服化,选C项。
