A、She wants to reach a higher level on the pay scale. B、She requires the man to give her stock options now. C、She is looking for

admin2017-05-17  40

M: Hi! Welcome to WebWare. Sit down please.
W: Thanks, nice to see you again.
M: You too. [6]So, you said you wanted to come in and have a chat with me before you start your work here. Tell me about it.
W: [6]Yeah, I just want to have a look round and ask a few more questions. I’m wondering whether it is okay for me to do so.
M: Of course, just fire away with your questions!
W: Well, first of all, I was surprised when I received the e-mail about the offer. Thank you for trusting me, and I am delighted to receive the job offer...
M: Good! And we are delighted to offer it to you.
W: But... before I sign the contract there are one or two specifics I want to talk about.
M: Ok... "specifics"? Tell me what they are.
W: Well. I read from your last e-mail that there is a pay scale, instead of a fixed salary. Is that right?
M: Yes, you’re quite right about it. [7]As a new employee in our company, you’d be at the lower end of the pay scale. And of course, things get changed later when you continuously bring contribution to the company.
W: But taking my experience into account...
M: Well, you haven’t had that much experience—we see you as an investment...
W: But that salary would only be a little more than I’m making now. So, instead of asking for a higher level on the pay scale, I thought this could be compensated by adding certain bonuses, for instance if I make certain sales targets, or even break them, [8]I would be looking for a good cash payment, or stock options in the company. Would it be possible?
M: Well, that is something we sometimes offer to senior members of staff, but to show good faith I’ll provisionally offer you the bonus scheme, but I’ll have to okay it with Philip first.
W: That’s fine. One more thing, I also see there are 25 days holiday.
M: Yes. That’s standard.
W: It’s not very much for a high pressure job though...
M: [9]I’m sorry I can’t offer you any more holiday. Only the staff who work here for over three years can get extra days, so you will get more holiday after you work here for a longer time.
W: No, I don’t mean that. But I was wondering if I could delay the start date—so instead of starting a week from now, as we discussed, I could start in a month’s time?
M: [10] You’re a tough negotiator, Madison!
W: That’s one of the reasons you hired me!
M: Yes, of course. Okay, I think we can do that. I’ll look forward to seeing you in a month, and earning those bonuses!
6. Why does the woman go to see the man?
7. What does the man say about the pay scale in his company?
8. What requirement does the woman make about the salary?
9. What is the holiday policy in the company?
10. What does the man think of the woman?

选项 A、She wants to reach a higher level on the pay scale.
B、She requires the man to give her stock options now.
C、She is looking forward to a cash payment as a bonus.
D、She wants to get money compensation from the man.


解析 ①根据选项中的higher level,stock options,bonus,compensation,可预测问题可能与女士对公司的要求有关。②当男士表示没有办法调整她的薪酬级别时,女士说如果完成或超过一定的销售额时,可以通过增加奖励的方式来进行补偿,她个人期待得到一些现金奖励或者公司股票的提前认购权。由此可见,C项“她期待有现金奖励”符合对话内容,为正确答案。
