The 21st century is a century of biotech revolution.【F1】Yet before human beings are able to fully enjoy the fruits of the biotec

admin2019-07-08  31

问题     The 21st century is a century of biotech revolution.【F1】Yet before human beings are able to fully enjoy the fruits of the biotech development, the issue of human cloning arising therefore is already a problem that no one can evade. In the recent year, some scientists and organizations have made public their intentions to clone human beings. Human cloning is increasingly a reality, rather than a distant fantasy.
    According to some scientists, there are experiments on human cloning in most parts of the world. However, one must realize that human cloning may bring about complicated consequences. Therefore today, most countries, especially those with advanced biotechnology, explicitly ban or severely restrict human cloning. So far, 23 countries have regulations explicitly banning reproductive cloning.【F2】Some scientists, doctors and legal experts have even asked the United Nations to seek an advisory opinion from the World Court declaring human cloning to be a crime against humanity.
    Nevertheless, few can reject the tremendous temptation of what therapeutic cloning can do in creating transplants and fighting diseases. Therefore, many countries are not so resolute and thorough in banning human embryo cloning. Besides, sufficient animal experiments may serve to remove the technological obstacles on the way to human cloning.【F3】So technologically speaking, it is quite pointless just to ban the research on human cloning while allowing the research on animal cloning.
    It is possible for the cloning technology to bring both benefits and infinite disasters to mankind.【F4】Technophobia, in its essence, is not the fear of technology itself, but the fear of the people who use it in a wrong way. The history of human society evolution also tells us that in time of ethic crisis man should access reality with reason. Whether a technology accomplishment is ultimately beneficial to mankind lies in how man approaches and uses it. It is imperative for us to deal with the issue of human cloning with reason and from a serious and scientific approach.【F5】We should try to get at a common view through consultation and speed up legislation in this regard to put human cloning under strict regulations from the very beginning. The governments must give full consideration to the potential consequences before they decide whether or not to ban both human cloning and therapeutic cloning. And if therapeutic cloning is allowed, they must consider how to regulate it.



解析     全文共分四段。前两段指出21世纪是生物技术革命的世纪,但由于克隆人问题可能带来的复杂后果,世界各国,尤其是生物技术发达的国家,现在大都对此采取明令禁止或者严加限制的态度。第三段介绍了“治疗性克隆”在生产移植器官和攻克疾病等方面的巨大诱惑。因此,在禁止使用克隆人类胚胎方面,世界各国的态度并不坚决而彻底。最后一段号召应该通过协商达成一种共识,并且加快相关立法,使克隆人从一开始就受到严格的控制。
