These last 22 years have really been amazing, every prediction we’ve made about improvements have all______.

admin2014-03-22  10

问题 These last 22 years have really been amazing, every prediction we’ve made about improvements have all______.

选项 A、come over
B、come down
C、come along
D、come true


解析 come over“从远处来;改变立场或意见”,如:Won’t you come over to Beijing for a holiday?你不来北京度假吗?He will never come over to our side,他绝不会改变立场参加我们这一边。come down“坍塌;倒下;下降”,如,In the storm a tree came down.在这场暴风雨中,一棵树被刮倒了。Inflation is starting to come down.通货膨胀开始下降了。come along“(祈使)再努力点;出现;到达;进步,变好”,如:Come along,now--someone must know the answer!再想想看——一定有人知道答案的。When the right opportunity comes along,he’ll take it.当良机到来时,他会抓住的。The garden is coming along quite nicely.那花园越来越美。come true“实现”,如:His dream finally came true.他的梦想终于实现了。由以上分析可以看出,只有D符合题意。
